Chapter 1

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Blake's POV~

I wake up to the sun streaming in through the window leaving a ray of light on the sheets of the bed. I look over beside me and can't help but smile at how cute she is. Her head rests on my collarbone and her arms wrap tightly around my waist. I give her a kiss. Her eyes slowly open as she looks up at me. "Mornin angel." I whisper.
"Morning cowboy." She replies sleepily. She scoots into my lap as I sit up, and plants a kiss on my forehead.
"I love you baby."
"I love you too." She snuggles in my arms as I wrap her up in a hug.
"I don't know what I'd do without you."
I squeeze her tighter. "Well you'll never have to find out cuz I'll always be right here."
The two of us sit silently for a few minutes. Neither of us wanting to get up.
"Mommmmmmmy, Daddy Bwake!!!!!!" Apollo stands at the doorway with a big smile planted across his face. He leaps on top of the bed and throws his arms around us.
"Hey bud!" I ruffle his curly hair.
"Hey sweetie." Gwen gives him a hug and a kiss. I watch how her eyes light up whenever her boys are around...welllllll and me :) .
"You hungry kiddo?"
Pollo nods viciously.
She looks at me. "Guess we better get up."
I nod. Scooping Apollo up in a bear hug, I wrestle him as we head downstairs to the kitchen.
"Morning Blake!" King and Zuma both chime.
"Morning boys!"

We all sit around the table eating cereal, toast, eggs, bacon, pancakes, you name it.
"Mom do we have to go to dads?" King asks.
I look over at Gwen who's smile fades just a little.
"It's part of the custody agreement. I'm sorry but you have to. He is after all your dad."
"But Blake could be our dad." Zuma adds in.
Gwen looks at me with a smile. "Yeah. He could, couldn't he?"

A few minutes later we hear a car pull up. "Okay kids! Dads here! Come on!"
I follow Gwen and the boys outside. Gwen hugs them holding on as long as she can, not wanting them to go. I watch as the boys drag their feet to the car. Apollo reaches the car door, glances at it for a second, and then turns around and runs towards me and gives me a hug. "I wuv you Bwake."
I feel the tears welling up in my eyes. "I love you too buddy." The boys get settled in the car. Gwen has a fearful expression on her face. I know she's afraid to death of him and I don't blame her. There's this scared, crazed look in her eyes that she gets whenever he's around. He's broken her. I hate seeing her scared and not herself. And I'm here to fix that. To make her feel happy again. To make her feel safe once more..I step closer to her rubbing my hand up and down her back. She smiles nervously at me.
"They're gonna be fine." I comfort her.
She leans her head on my shoulder.
Gavin gives us a dirty look. She squeezes my hand tighter. We wave to the kids as they drive away...

Gwen's POV~

I watch my kids disappear down the road with a heavy heart. I hate that Gavin has rights to see them.
"You okay?"
"Not really." I admit.
"Look at me." He tilts my chin up. As I look up at his face I get lost in his blue eyes. How did I get so lucky? "I'm here for you...always." He caresses my cheek.
The tears are caught in my throat making it hard for me to speak. But I don't need to say anything. I just bury my head in his arms letting him take care of me...just like he promised.
"Did I tell you that I love you?"
A tiny giggle escapes my mouth. "Only all the time."
He laughs and draws me closer. The two of us walk back towards the house, hand in hand. He smiles at me and I smile back...

Blake's POV~

Her smile. It shines brighter than anything in the whole world...except for maybe the spark in her eyes. I wanna spend the rest of my life with her for eternity.
"What is it?" She tugs on my sleeve looking at me with a puzzled expression.
"Your smile lights up this whole world, you know that?"
She blushes but I can tell she loves the attention. "I love you Blake Shelton." She goes on her tip toes as she gives me a kiss. We reach the house right when the downpour begins. The two of us watch the rain through the window. I look down at her hand still in mine and did I end up being the luckiest man ever?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2017 ⏰

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