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Albus screams as scorpius penetrates him. His cock was not to be expected since he is tiny but his dick is hugemongous

"What does ur daddy have to say about me huh" scorpius whispers suducingly in albus' ear, Ablus can't help but cum at his sexy mans voice

"He won't like it" Albus says back, his voice pumping with testorone and gay hormones "he says it because ur not right for me but it's rlly because he loves ur dad"

"Lmao like daddy like son" SCORPIUS says "why don't I call him"

"NO" Albus say

"YES" scorpius reply "MR POTTER WHERE ARE U"

"IM HERE" Harry says as he blasts door with his wand "ARE U OK ALBUS"

"I'm fine" Albus says he is naked on the bed with scorpius' Dick in his asshole how could he not be

"God damn it ur fucking scorpius again" Harry sighs "Ablus u fucker it's incest"

"I know ur fucking mr malfoy" Albus say "scorp told me"

"Motherfuck Albus can u get any gayer" Harry groan "first with the cock in the asshole thing now the nicknames what's next fedoras"

"Lol he is already wearing mine it's in the dresser-"


"-along with my skinny jeans" scorpius finishes

"Well" Harry say "only good thing that cum out of this is a foursome shall I call my daddy"

"Dad ur dad is dead"

"I meant my other daddy u fucking little cockhead" Harry shout "DADDY WHERE ARE U"


"Looks like we're all gay" Harry says as he point to their sons fucking in the bed naked with dicks in mouth now

"Lol yay foursome" Draco reply smiling gayly

"That's why I love u" Harry say sighing with love in glasses "we think the same"

They spend all day and night fuckig and bonding and it's fantastic

"Pant pant pant" Draco sigh "now all we need is to invite Sirius and Remus"

"Lmao true" they all say laughing

Literally the only people gayer than drarry and scorbus is WOLFSTAR rip

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2016 ⏰

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