The Scope

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A beam of light penetrated the fortress just beyond the hilly, heavily forested slew of land called, The Scope. At the crack of dawn, there was already some movement in the highest windows of the castle. 

My maid was rapping on the heavy oak door that barred me from the rest of freedom. "Young lady, you must tell me that your self dressing is going exceptionally well, hmm?!" 

I lay there, surrounded by deer and bear pelts, not moving from the bed. "Absolutely miss! Go fetch my breakfast, if you would please. I should be finished by the time you arrive.."

I could hear Millie huffing and stomping back down the stair well, saying some naughty words that father would rip her a new one for if he heard them near one of his daughters.

I decided against being late for the grand meeting today and slipped out of bed, dropping a couple feet before landing. I never knew why royalty had such tall beds compared to everyone else. 

With my hound watching intently, I opened the rear doors leading to my balcony, letting in the beginnings of the morning rays. My wardrobe was already askew, a green dress hanging from the handle. Having minor setbacks with tightening the corset, it was finally on properly, and as I slipped on over it my wolf furred cape, my hound barked at the door signaling Millie's return. I pointed at the door for him to knock off the plank securing the door shut.

"Your Highness-"

"You may enter, Mills" 

With a pause, a short, black haired woman entered with a long silver platter balanced on her hand. My hound followed closely at her heels as she strode across the wide room and placed it on the window ledge.

"Your Grace, please tell me you plan on wearing the gems your uncle brought back from his crusade.   "

I reached into the drawer set next to my wardrobe, grabbing the heaviest mini-chest and a key. "If it impresses Father's boyfriend, keeps him and his son away from myself and Sister, then why not?" I jammed the key into the hole and popped the thing open. Red and silver glared back at me in the light. 

Millie approached, eyeing me. "Your attitude will not be appreciated today, Miss." she snatched the box away from me and took out a necklace. "Lord Harkon is NOT to be referred to as your Father's boyfriend. " She locked the clasp fairly close to my neck and pulled a hair. I rubbed my neck angrily as she put the earrings on to match. "And you are to be on your best behaviour, as your father is giving Lord Harkon answers that may determine your future-"

I pulled away. Oh, hell no. "Millie! "

"AND the rest of the city's as well!" She raised her voice.

I couldn't help but bite my tongue. I was 18. It was time for Father to give me a choice of furthering the future of this town. At least my sister was years away. But what was to happen for the rest of the town? My hound nudged my hand, his dark eyes soft and comforting. His gentle tail wag told me that I needed to lift my spirits. 

"Oh, Alright Sal. Lets go eat some breakfast so this old lady can pull my hair some more." I half grinned and we sat down at the mirror, munching away on potatoes, apples and eggs.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2016 ⏰

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