Nightmare:the mysterious murder case

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July 5th of the year 2024,A school reported a murder case involving two students who were dismembered and soon after burned right beside their school gate no one knew except for me who was responsible for that murder but.....I stayed silent because...........I saw him...........It was either karma or just coincidence that they were dead,I mean,I wasn't even treated nicely by them or in this school,everyone just stayed away from me fearing I was too Weird or just pure insane,my grades were fine enough but still that didn't give the fact that I had no special connections with anyone in this school although one night,when I was about to sleep,I heard my neighbor's glass window break,I turned off my phone's radio application to listen if anyone heard it,yet,I spoke to myself "Why would I waste my energy on them?.....It's better to just leave them alone,it's their fault for not having enough security around their house"so as I was about to press the start button again I finally heard a scream,unwillingly my body started moving on it's own.and is heading towards the neighbor's house,I took my jacket,colored in black to match the night's sight,grabbed a knife and my brass knuckles which were given from my dead grandfather believing it will be used for defense but,as I entered the doorway,I was too late the screaming already ceased,I can almost see death climbing down the stair case,and then I saw him,He had a white face almost burned,long black hair forming like an emo styled hair,and the most describable of all he had a huge scarred smile stretching throughtout his mouth,when the moment he saw me he brought out his own knife and lunged toward me,Trembling I instinctivly punched him in the eye,if I hadn't done that the knife would eventually slide towards my throat,with just a inch more I would have been dead,when he tried to shake off the pain,I continued to beat him with my bloody and hard knuckles,seeing he already fainted,I waited for the police to arrive,I could already hear the sirens but when the police already moved in the house,he was gone,after some time I was taken into custody and brought into questioning,"files have shown you were in that house on 3:00 A.M, am I correct son?" I answered confidently "yes, I did officer",after he turned to look at the case files again he spoke to me" but it's been shown by the DNA test saying you were the one who was responsible for the killing,now please boy,tell me did you really see a man with a huge smile and white hoodie?" seeing as he continued to pursue me I eventually said"YES!" I yelled out "DOES YOUR DNA COMPUTER-THINGY EVEN WORK PROPERLY? IT MUST BE A RIP-OFF TO THINK I DID IT,I SAW HIM,I EVEN BEAT HIM TO A PULP HE WAS....."but I was silenced by the second officer's statement "you must be insane" .........There it hit me I was then silenced my that single and undeserving word "INSANE" The officer finally,had enough time wasted and escorted me back home,when I got home,I received a slap from my mother,she cried out to me "YOU STUPID LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT,CAN'T I NOT WASTE MY TIME ON A LITTLE FUCKER LIKE YOU AROUND?I HAVE MY OWN PROBLEMS IF YOU DIDN'T KNOW THAT!" as I saw my mother's smug face holding  tons of cash on her hand I spoke back at her but with a soft tone "even my own mother won't believe me,how vulgar and unworthy to be in the same roof as you,you just suck on dad's company just to go out and fuck with other men,you slut" there I said the words that were deep inside me but to no effect she locked me in my room for 2 days,when I was in my room I did nothing but sleep and look at the police files,it was easy to hack through the police's mainframe to extract a file from one CP to another,I investigated the case myself and finally made progress,it seems,it wasn't just me who saw this white hoodie-man killer,there several files concerning children being tortured and adults being dismembered,when I opened the file of pictures,I nearly threw up at the keyboard,the horrific way he kills his victims is nothing but inhumane but,somehow I got a little bit interested in looking at this pictures,like I was enjoying see them in pain and finally rid of this world,I slapped myself silly,talking to myself " I must be insane,but even though I must proceed with this", when I almost reached to my wit's end, I had to take some clues on where this guy is heading next,It seems the police were also in this run for 6 years now,I searched the net High and Low to finally see the news paper article dating back to the first murder concerning my problem,It seems there was a family that was killed by someone unknown and to have kidnapped their son,the people around that area knew this boy his name was "JEFF" his last name wasn't important I just had to do some research about this guy I sent an email to those who know this boy,it seems they know him to be weird and somehow unapproachable,as I saw their replies,I was taken back,We are the same Jeff but unlucky for you I'm not that insane as to kill someone,I asked them one more time,who was affiliated with him on the last time they saw him,and to no suprise I already got names who were dead or yet to be killed,I traced it all to notice that this amount people today must have some connection with this Jeff person,I eventually searched for them and finally solved 1/3 of the case,it seems this killer is targeting the person's on this list and the one's who are affiliated with them,I somehow watched their case files and the manner they were killed, it seemed they were killed in alphabetical order,I wasn't suprised,because I already thought about the manners he tried to kill his victims,It was originally 200 strategies but one was the best,that led to the next person he was about to kill,and I was determined to track him down but not taking the risk to be dead at his hands,so I went out after two days,no,I was in that room for two years,atleast I'm better at the police's 6 year run,but enough of that I already freshened my mind,but when I was about to look at the mirror,my eyes were already red,I wasn't shocked,I mean,It must be the consequence of always looking at the computer for how many hours but its the price to pay,or was it the adrenaline that day when I beat the guy up that turned my eyes red,I don't care,I have enough problems,no more turning back its now or never,I hurriedly got to the location where the next victim will be assaulted,and just my luck,they were the last two,whom I hated my entire life,My classmates,James and Anthony,those two were the most voilent to me and swore that they will make my life a NIGHTMARE,the thought just made me chuckle, I hid at the mercy of the night's sight, and stood there becoming the one with the shadows of the new moon,as they stole the school's cash registrar,was when I saw him,His smile more sinister than ever,his laugh more gruesome than before,he knocked them both out with a rock which I purposly put, When he was about to stab them with the knife at hand,I dashed with excitement and zeal,I punched his stomach but to no effect,swung the knife to me arm,he saw it coming and with great speeds we,clashed both our knives with power and speed,altough mine is more bigger and swifter than he's,he has a skill for knife fights,just when I was starting to like the blood dripping from my arm,he saw me with a questionable face,even with a big smile across it,I can sense he was disturbed and finally broke into laughter,he said"hahahahahahaha you are a funny one young boy,I see you wanted me dead because I killed your family,or was it I killed your bestfriend? or I humiliated you in front of everyone you once knew?....,when I heard the final statement I then licked the blood from my arm and spoke with a excited and serious tone"hehehe,bingo mr.killer,you were once like me,but your method is weak,your just a little prick who carved a smile in his face,what are you trying to be like the joker?.... or should I say Jeff the killer?"he removed his top hoodie and so I also removed it,with his eyes encircled with black rings and a stare that peeps into your soul that met with mine,A stare that was left into a long abyss of abandonment and isolation from any form of care or love,combined with the ever so mysterious red eyes that never ceases to be normal again,he laughs,and broke the silence between insanity and the abyss,he spoke " I've seen your past just as you've seen mine,it is true that we are alike,but can you not kill the ones who persecuted you,the ones who isolated you?,you must be an idiot to just let them do that to you hahhahahaha" without a second's notice he was then silenced,with my knife on his throat ever so ready to slit it open,he tried hold up his knife but was unable to do that,he was lost in my gaze of the abyss and finally I said to him that will be carved in both our minds"My silence is not my weakness,but......THE BEGINNING OF MY REVENGE"when he finally heard my words I did what I have to do and slid the knife into his chest sliding it down to his stomach,when he felt the pain enough,he freed himself from my gaze and slided the knife to my face and swung it repeatedly,we both were in deep pain,but then dashed out to make distance,the fight went on,even after so much blood was lost and how open the wound was,but that didn't bother me nor him,either was it me or were we enjoying the pain of knives passing through our flesh and blood being poured out of our wounds,I just don't know,but as soon as he fell down,I concluded that it was either from anemia or being too exhausted,I mean who could fight with a killer for 3 hours of bloodshed that shouldn't be even in our bodies,battered and wounded I approached to deliever the final blow,as I covered my right eye's wound,I slowly brought it out,my personal gun,the one my father gave to me when the last time I heard his strong and reassuring statement " there are people in this world,who are born and lived life being treated unfairly and those people who deserved to be punished by the ones who should taste the nightmare they caused,I hope you can live your life to the fullest son,remember that" my eyes quickly focused on Jeff's head and started to aim at his heart,I spoke to him" do you have any final words before my fun ends here?" he then answered " GO TO SLEEP" a sharp pain felt between my fingers and aim directly at the two boys who were down on the rocky floor,and shot them,Jeff stood up and punched me with his own brass knuckles without a moment's pause I returned the jab to his face,I could hear a loud crack of bone from his jaw,he was then knocked out,just when I was about to close the deal,he stood back up again,I couldn't believe he could stand back up from a straight right hook,that broke his jaw,he grabbed his lower jaw and placed it back to it's pivot,shocked I froze he walked directly at me and slid the knife to my throat,as I thought of how I lost to an very fierce battle,I was somehow dreaming of a world full of darkness and fire,there I saw the souls of the victims of the infamous JEFF THE KILLER,soon after a silence a voice talked to me,"are you really gonna die from that you must be joking?" I turned around to search who was the one who talked to me,and there I saw it,It was myself but with only white light behind me,and dressed in a white suit,my other self spoke to the dark side"I shall take this one, I will need him to live life fully",but as he took my hand he whispered" A life indeed,in which you shall repeat again,in this shattered world of ours,in this realm of unfairness,greed,famine,war,isolation,....soon after I punched his gut saying" you don't know me very well now do you?"A light shines bright toward me seeing the white ceiling,I sat up to know where I am to find out,I was in the hospital,"so all of it was a dream" I spoke,"NO,It was a NIGHTMARE" an officer spoke,you see boy,we saw you with a gun,knife,and a brass knuckle showing blood-shed on the crime scene,but you must be some idiotic kid,you didn't have to kill two of your classmates just to take revenge,I'm sorry I know you are injured but,move you are under arrest for the murder of the two students that happened last week,the officer cuffed me,and soon after took me to asylum,there many insane criminals were brought there,one spoke to me"hey,fresh meat,I heard you killed one of your classmate and hacked through the police's mainframe,you must have got a heck of a nightmare to recieve such scars hahahaha",when I heard the laughter I looked up with my hoodie down, and my eyes focused,"you should go to hell,SWEET NIGHMARES"I took the pipe and swung it to his head causing his eyes to pop out of their sockets,he landed face down and was then alerted , the security guards each of them brought a gun filled with anesthetics,but was no match for my speed,I swung the pipe to his head and crashed it toward the corner wall,forming now a sharp edge,the other security guard,shocked at his dead partner's head being torn off,he yelled out of fright,but was then silenced after he chocked off his own blood,there on out,I left the asylum and roam the streets,to every city,every town, and every village,searching for the ones who isolated me and discarded me from society and those initials are :


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