Dirty Paws

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There are cruel and fearsome things in this world.
(Y/N) on the other hand, was not described as one of them.
A Kitsune; forest spirit of northern Japan. Innocent features upon your beautiful skin, a perfect height, and most strikingly the (F/C) ears and tails protruding from your body.
England; a far away land filled with gamblers and explorers alike, always peaked the interest of the curious fox. In your many years, you had never travelled too far from your forest home even while called by the sound of a distant straggler, easily falling into one of your playful traps...
But no, you wanted more than this. More exploration, discovery, risk. And your grand opportunity was coming up faster than the winds of winter.
Your forest homeland had grown dreadfully small, the Japanese citizens using their muscle instead of wit. Your trees, flowers and furry friends all gone; cut down, destroyed, killed or ran away.
The curious spirit was all that was left. You, and several acres of trees, soon to be gone with the rest.
The Kitsune needed a new home, and England was where you would set up- and this time protect, fight if necessary.
Little did you know that you were dipping your paws into something much, much deeper.
By boat and on foot (Y/N) travelled, thousands of miles to the west. Sticking to forest and hillside, hiding your ears and tails the odd time you would come into contact with a human town- what your tail fur would sell for, you didn't want to know.
But, you was hungry. Normally living off the berries and plants grown around your home, (Y/C) had obviously run short of those even on the trail you travelled on. There simply wasn't enough, and you craved meat.
Into town the fox went.
London, it was called. Was your destination reached already, after a month of running? It seemed as much. Hiding your ears in your (H/C) hair, and tucking your three tails into your rather ragged dress. The people here were different- voices, faces and colours.
It was all too unique..!

However, you were indeed short on money. The small amount you'd picked up had been stolen from unweary civilians through your former forest home- a trickster spirit you were, after all.
Though, even what small coin you had taken had begun to grow low, and it seemed as though this country didn't take the currency you held.
Cold, hungry, and without a hotel or even a simple tree to call home for the night, it seemed as though you had finally accepted the fact that a rundown, disgusting alleyway would have to do for the night.

Your belly growled. Angry, gnawing like a wolf without teeth. Most people had gone inside by now; winter winds casting them away like peasant children hiding from the blanket of night.
Foolish, you thought of them.
However, street stands were still out, delicious-smelling fruits, breads and meats locked away inside the carts.
A simple lock wouldn't do much to stop a Kitsune.
Picking an elegant pin from your (H/L) hair, you silently approach one of the temporarily abandoned stands.
Kneeling down behind it, you carefully work against the fear of being caught, until finally- click.
The small doors sprang open, the ever so welcoming scent of fresh food filling your nostrils. No turning back now.
Grabbing several dinner rolls, apples, peaches and dried pork, you prepare to run off with your newly found stash when suddenly- was that pomegranate you smelled?
The delectable winter fruit, prized among Kitsune. Forget what you just stole, greed forced you to go on further. That particular fruit was all you wanted, and you wanted it now.
Dropping your things on the cobblestone road, you occasionally wrinkle your nose up to follow the sweet scent.
The scent trail was moving... Odd.
Part of you knew this was an awful decision. Why not turn back and gather what you'd already taken, perhaps trade some off tomorrow for pomegranates?
Common sense had left you at this point, only driving you on further towards the smell.
Not once did you think of the dangers these dark, winding alleyways could hold, or if this was some kind of trap for lone wanderers.
Pure innocence, perhaps?
The moon had risen completely over he horizon, rays shining down into the dead end in which you stood. Surrounded by brick walls, only escape being the way you entered.
The smell had disappeared completely, not even your superb sense of smell able to pick it up.
Standing tall in confusion, your ears instinctively perk up and (E/C) eyes narrow, searching for any movement.
Nothing, save for the rats rustling in filth.
Your three tails had found their way between your legs, hiding as if they had minds of their own. The hairs on the back of your neck and pricked up, and not due to the cold.
This was a mistake.
"Who's there..?" You call out, voice ringing with anxiety.
Who dared to play childish games with a forest guardian? Surely they'd pay. Though, these ferocious words didn't do much in the way of hiding your utter fear in this moment.
"Truly, what would a young woman such as yourself be doing out this late at night?"
A response came from behind, nearly causing you to shriek out in surprise before a silk gloved hand clasped over your lips; forcing you into silence.

Snake eyes; crimson with slit pupils, inhuman all the same. A sly smile, as if knowing your deepest secrets. Raven black hair, long but well kempt. And there, underneath the stance he held you in, you could smell pomegranate- the scent you'd been chasing; the fruit of the underworld.
This man wasn't human.
You squirm in his iron grip, though your attempts didn't make much of a difference other than exhausting yourself further, heavy breaths against his hand.
He was much larger; and although thin, his shoulders were broad enough to keep your smaller stature still. How did he sneak up on you like that? And more importantly- what did he want?
Finally tired from fighting, you go limp in his grip.
Removing his hand, the elegantly dressed male puts himself between you and the alley's exit.
"My dearest apologies for the inappropriate attack, my lady. Though it seems you would have ran off if I had approached you normally."
He explains, your smaller body collapsing into a stack of cardboard boxes. You just wanted him to go away, that was it...
In your struggle, your three (F/C) tails had found their way out from below your dress, hugging close to your body. Though it seemed as though your particular race had already been found out about, you flatten your ears down anyway to show both aggression and fear.
A cornered animal.
"Let me leave, sir. I am tired and have no business with you, so please..."
The fair words came out as a feeble whimper, your chest heaving.
The man didn't move. Didn't motion to help you up, back away, or... Did he even breathe?
You couldn't pick up signs of a heartbeat.
Finally, the male shakes his head and takes a cautious step towards you, holding out his hand.
"It seems I have forgotten to introduce myself, madam. My name is Sebastian Michaelis, butler of the Phantomhive household. Surely you've heard of it?"

Well, no, you hadn't heard of the oddly named household. You lived overseas, thousands of miles away. Half of you wanted to lash out, ask why in Hell would you have known of it- though, a much calmer you knew against it. Why anger the man you've already lost against?
"(F/N)." You simply say. Kitsunes did not have surnames, and even if you did, why give it away to this man?
Though, from here it could be plausible that he meant well... He hadn't tried hurting you yet, anyway.
The black-clad male nods, eyes momentarily fixated on your soft tails. You take his hand after a hesitant moment, standing up out of the rubble.
"Miss (Y/N), it was my duty to track you and ask a simple question- would you be interested in a job at the household, to serve and protect? A maid's job, surely not too difficult. Complete with a room, full pay and three meals a day."
Though cautious, you thought over the request.
How did he know of your arrival to London? It was as if... He knew you. Knew about you. But he didn't- couldn't. You'd never met this man, not in your hundred years of life.
At first, the offer did seem too good to be true. You had many questions, and adrenaline still coursed through your veins.
But, need for food and warmth eventually won, and after several minutes you nod your head.
"...Okay. I accept your offer, mister Sebastian."

//Hello readers..! I hope that if you've gotten this far, you've enjoyed the first chapter of the story! As an avid roleplayer and storyteller, I've wanted to write something like this for quite some time, so why not? Please, leave feedback, suggestions for future chapters and questions, and of course my direct messages are always open! If you're interested, please follow my Instagram @/Http.Ahri for mostly unrelated ramblings and real life stories.

On a related note, I hope to begin writing a second chapter soon, complete with Sebastian's POV and answering unexplained questions- how did he know of your arrival in London, and why feel the need to track you down so far? Hopefully you all stay along for this journey!
Peace and love, Quinn

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