Falling in Love

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Dylas started to walk around Selphia. Porcoline had just let him off of work and he was planning on spending his free time fishing. He actually enjoyed working for Porcoline. At first, he had been a bit apprehensive. The guy was big, kind of scary, and very strange. Then he grew on Dylas; so did the job. Being a waiter has its perks. He got out early, Porcoline ate most of the stuff he made, so Dylas didn't have to serve it, and Arthur actually managed to make his lectures about finance interesting.

The former monster didn't notice Frey walking towards him until it was too late. She stopped in front of him, her mint green ponytails swinging and a ridiculously happy expression on her face. She smiled and said, "Hey!"

Dylas worked up a bored expression and said, "What?" He noticed that her face fell the tiniest bit, but not enough to be detected by most people. Dylas inwardly rolled his eyes and continued, "Summer's coming."

Frey smiled again, "Are you going to come enjoy the beach opening?"

His eyes flattened, "Hmph, not interested in the least." He turned away to show her that this conversation was over. Even as he turned, though, he didn't miss the disappointed look flit across her face.

She walked away at a high speed. Dylas noticed that every single little thing the Princess did was at high speed. It was actually tiring to watch. He didn't get what everyone saw in that little girl. The whole town adored her. There were even rumors that the Native Dragon had a soft spot for her. What's so special about Frey? Dylas asked himself.

Speaking of which, he heard her name coming from behind him. Forte, Xiao Pai, Clorica, and Amber were sitting at the top of the light house, gossiping. Dylas hid behind it and listened to them talk.

"I'm pretty sure that Frey likes Dylas." That was Xiao Pai.

"No way! She totally has the hots for Doug as Lumie would say!" Amber's shrill little voice called out.

"You know, there is always the chance that she likes both of them." Forte mused.

"I just feel so bad for her, you know?" Clorica commented sleepily.

Dylas leaned forward in anticipation. Maybe he would find something out about the town Princess and celebrity. He couldn't imagine Frey having any real problems. She was just one of those girls who didn't have problems.

Amber asked, "How come?"

Forte corrected, "You should say why, not how come. But the reason is that she lost her memory too. It was quite strange, actually. If you trust Kiel's rumors, she fell out of an airship and landed on Ventuswill's back. She remembered that her name was Frey, but nothing else. No memory of where she came from, who she is, or even her family. Volkanon thought that she was 'Princess Arthur', but when Arthur actually came, they found out she wasn't a princess. The thing is, Arthur didn't want to be the prince, so he gave the job to Frey. She completely started her life over that day. It's sad."

Dylas' mind was reeling. How could he not have known that she lost her memory too? He realized that he had never really talked to her before, but he should have at least known that! With all thoughts of fishing out of his head, Dylas determined that he was going to find out everything he could about Frey.

And that meant talking to the other person that she apparently liked. Who was also the person in this town that he most hated.

Dylas walked into the general store and was pleased to see that it was empty aside from Doug. He sidled up to the counted and said, "Hey Doug."

Doug narrowed his silver eyes at him and Dylas found himself momentarily distracted by his weird ears. He hadn't even known that Doug was a dwarf. Then Doug said, "What do you want, Dylas?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2016 ⏰

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