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(As I re-read this I realize how terrible it is)

It was Nolun who saw the problem. He saw that many of his own people quarreled with one another, friend against friend, brother against brother. He saw that in his nation and he decided that he would do something. The Dimensional Portals that had made his enemies tremble were now taken for granted, and were only gathering dust, for the only people who would go into the portals were now dead. Nolun had the Portals hidden in the depths of a secret cave he had mined out for himself earlier. Unfortunately for Nolun, he was immortal and everyone else who had lived in his kingdom were not. That meant he couldn't marry, for if he did he would have to watch his wife, children, and his children's children, die someday. He made a vow that he would never marry. That was how Nolun had to live. But at least he could watch his nation thrive forever.

To the right of Nolica, Nolun's kingdom, was another kingdom, the king's name was unforgettable, his name was Joaames. Joaames was vague. Nobody really knew him well. He does remember himself, as a boy, and claimed he was never born and was always there, ever since the beginning of time. This, Nolun had to agree with, for he was there too.

The beginning of time was referred to as Hönun, by the Nolunites, who were Nolun's people. In that ancient language it means "Two in the beginning." The two were Nolun and Joaames. They were on the young planet they had created, called Tuthien, and were pretty lonely. They decided to create three higher-beings, of course, not as high as them, but were immortal like them. They were called the three Munhin, Ferdorn the Armor-Clad, Kolner the Leather-Clad and Hologror the invisible. The three Munhin were sent to three parts of the land, ruling there for many years. The three Munhin each had the power to create a race of living things, but only one. They each did, Ferdorn, making the Stenicans, Kolner, making the Alvians, and Hologror making the animals. Nolun and Joaames, created as well. Nolun created the favored race of Men. Joaames however, created a race called the Tyreans. All together there were five races. Now, Joaames and Nolun created a book, with the inscribing of the ancient language only they knew. What was inside the Book was everything that was ever recorded in history, even the future. They made it so that whoever opened the book would freeze in time, and could not be unfrozen unless Nolun or Joaames were there to unfreeze them. The only way the Book could be read was by Nolun or Joaames, out loud. They hid the Book deep in the Alvian Woods.

One fateful day, Joaames thought he should be the one who was higher than Nolun. But Nolun disagreed and things that were once peaceful, became chaotic. The bright sunny days, became dark cloudy days. The joyous laughter, became the weeping of many. The happiness subsided from the world. Joaames went over to the eastern land of Wildern, since it's where the Tyreans lived, and he loved the Tyreans most. Nolun stayed with the Men, and ruled there. For many years the two kingdoms warred against each other, with the Munhin careful to stay out and not take sides. After years of struggling and wars, Nolun went into exile and hid himself. He made Nulger the leader, though hastily, and did not know that he would cause destruction. And so began the Chronicles of Tuthien, as found in the Book.

Chapter I

A Chosen People

Nolica was now ruled by Nulger Nolun. He was a mighty man that wouldn't take no for an answer, so most people didn't like his reign. He was also a crude tyrant who used his prisoners for slavery. His royal guards were always after someone. Usually one who was falsely accused. There was a secret group of other people in the population. Nobody knew about them, but they certainly knew about everyone else. They had moved into Garlandberg, a western city in Nolica and had lived there in secret. They were there for one reason. That reason was so that they could look for any special recruits, for they needed help. Even though their leader, Ferdorn, assured them that they had enough soldiers. The Stenicans were also there to learn news of the king of Nolica. The Stenicans lived to the northwest of the Nolunites. They were peaceful people, who liked to make peace with others. The Stenicans had the same body shape as Men, but they were a bit smaller. They were also faster than most Men.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2016 ⏰

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