the plan

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"It's taken some work."

An African American woman by the name of Amanda Waller, an intelligence operative, had just arrived for a meeting with a man. The man was David Jones, a worker for the U.S.Government.

"But I finally have them," She paused, "The worst of the worst."

Reaching over into her bag, she pulled out a binder that held high importance. On the cover was two important words in all caps:


She placed the binder on the table and looked up at David expectantly, waiting for him to comment.

"There are rumors Amanda," He began, looking into her face, "That some of them have special abilities."

"The rumors are right," She confirmed. "You know what the problem with a metahuman is? The human part. We got lucky with Superman, he shared our values. The next Superman might n-"

"You're playing with fire Amanda," David cut her off taking another bite of his steak.

She gave him a pointed look, "I'm fighting fire with fire."

"You're not going to pitch us that Task Force X project of yours again, are you?" He demanded in an annoyed tone, giving her a look.

"Yes," She stated, her full attention now trained on him. "But this time, you're going to listen."

She opened the binder and flipped through the pages, knowing the order in which she wanted to start in. Finding the page she was looking for, she began to read aloud to him.

"Floyd Lawton, AKA Deadshot."

There was a small picture of a tall, tan skinned man in the right corner of the page.

"He's the most wanted hitman in the world, let's say he has an elite clientele. However, everyone has a weakness, and a weakness can be leveraged. His is an 11 year old honor student in Gotham City, his daughter. We watched her, waited. And our chance came. We managed to get him to come quickly."

"Where'd you put him?" David asked.

"Let's just say I put him in a hole and threw away the hole," Amanda stated as she turned the page to the next person. "Harley Quinn."

There was a picture of Harley on the page. Platinum blonde hair with the tips dyed pink and blue. A few tattoos decorated the side of her face. While looking at the picture, she shook her head slightly before taking a sip of her wine and continuing.

"Before she ran off and joined the circus, she was known as Doctor Harleen Quinzel. A psychiatrist at Arkham Asylum. She was assigned the the clown himself. The Joker. She thought she was curing him... But, she was falling in love. Talk about a work placement gone wrong..." She trailed off.

David raised an eyebrow at her as she continued.

"They became the King and Queen of Gotham City... And God help anyone who disrespected the Queen. She's crazier than him... And more fearless. We got her too," She spoke placing air quotes around 'Queen.'

David nodded slowly, not sure was she was getting at.

"Then there's the Aussie. Digger Harkness. Or as the tabloids call him, Captain Boomerang. He robbed every bank in Australia at least once. Then came to America for a fresh target set.Doesn't work well with others. But he tangled with a meta-human and lived to tell about it. And have you heard of the pyrokinetic homeboy?"

"How'd you catch him?" David asked curiously when she turned the page to the tattooed man.

"We didn't. He surrendered. Chato Santana. On the streets they call him El Diablo. This LA gangbanger thought he was king of the world, until he lost his queen," She turned the page once again.

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