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Darkness filled my sight and all I could hear was my mothers screaming. A gun shot echoed around the room then silence filled its place. I thought it would have been over by now and the evil thing that was doing this would leave... but I was wrong. My father was then brought up to the center and asked a question that was simply unanswerable. Tears slipped down my face because I then knew his fate. The last thing he spoke were two simple words " joggers mouth" . But it was too late the man already pulled the trigger not even giving my father a chance. But it didn't even come as a shock anymore because my whole life has been filled with those awful gunshots. For the 3rd time tonight my stomach was filled with an empty whole that has been growing sense the day we were selected. That day 10 years ago changed my life for the worse. I remember one by one my family being picked away like flowers . Except the picker didn't nurture us he shoved us in a dark corner waiting for us to shrivel away. I was the lucky one, year by year they passed me up always picking the wiser first knowing that they would do the most harm to this horrid community. The man always called me special one, not until now do I realize what a curse that is.

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