Remember (T.W)

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Remember (T.W)

A/N: I know this is suuppppeeeerrrrr late but I really hope you don't mind. This is a Trigger Warning story so... Be cautious I guess...


Mitch sat quietly in the field where his lover was buried. He shed tears violently as he heard the bagpipes in the distance. It was Remembrance Day (also known as Veterans Day in places other than Canada) and Mitch was feeling worn down; sad. He looked over at the poppies he'd brought to lay in front of the white cross. His lovers name written in bold letters stated;


All Mitch could do was cry then. I mean, who wouldn't?! Mitch thought he saw his husband sitting beside him, wearing his uniform. But Mitch just brushed it off, thinking it was his imagination. The boys phone rang. Looking over to see who was calling, he thought he saw Scott again. The caller was Kirstin.

"Hey Mitchie Moo, where are you?" Kirstie asked in a sweet voice.

Mitch scoffed. He was not in the mood for that shit.

"Where do you think?" Mitch replied, annoyed by his friend's stupidity.

"Scott's grave?" Kirstie asked with a sigh.

"Ding ding ding! We have a winner!" Mitch cheered sarcastically, getting ready to hang up any moment.

"Oh Mitchie... I've told you how many times you need to move on? You need to forget about him now, it's been two months!" Kirstie exclaimed sympathetically.

Now he was mad. How could his best friend be that shallow? To even consider saying that? Mitch was done.

"Whatever." Mitch said before hanging up. As soon as the line went dead, Mitch broke down worse.

"Why'd you leave me Scott? I need you so bad..." Mitch whispered as he laid down on top of where is lovers body lay six feet under. As he cried, he placed a blanket over his small body, knowing he wouldn't leave for a while.

Before Mitch knew it, he had cried himself to sleep. But little did Mitch know, Scott was sitting right beside him. Scott was watching over him, protecting him. Seeing his best friend turned husband cry like he was, was torture for Scott. He wanted to come back to life.

But all Scott could do, was wait for the day Mitch came home to him. 

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