Becoming a victim of a crime..

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Jessie Cameron was a orphan. She was 16 years old. She wasn't a normal orphan. She didn't live in an orphanage. She lived on the streets. She had a job, which didn't pay much, but it's enough to get her by.


"Oh Jessie!!" Shit.. I knew they'd come after me. "What do you want Jake?" "I want to get in your pants." He licks his lips and pulls me closer to him. "Jake.. please let me go!" He shakes his head and begins to pull my pants down. I scream. I try to push him off. All of a sudden I'm on the ground. I open my eyes and see two guys beating up Jake. I pull my pants up and start to run.
"Corey, go after that girl." I hear one of the boys say. I freak out and run faster. He finally catches up to me and grabs my waist and pulls me to him. "Hey hey, it's ok. He won't hurt you anymore." I look up at him. I pass out. I didn't get to see his facial features.

~A few hours later~
I wake up and I'm facing towards a wall of peace tea cans. "What the hell?" I get up and walk out into the hall. I see someone in only shorts and let out a small squeak. In walk back in the room and close the door and slide down it. I hope he didn't hear me. "Hey.. are you alright?"

Shit.. he heard me. "Y-yeah, I'm alright. Where am I?" "If you let me in, I'll tell you." I sigh and move from out in front of the door and let him in. "I'm Corey.. my brother Capron and I heard you scream, and came to your rescue." He goes to his closet. I guess he notices I was staring. "I wanted you to be safe so we brought you here to our house."

A guy that looks a lot like Corey walks in, and I assume he's Capron. "Hey, you alright?" I nod. "Good, I'm Capron." Knew it. "I'm glad you're alright. Why were you out on the streets that late? Don't your mom and dad have a curfew for you?" I looked down. "I don't have parents.."

The color from Capron's face drains as he stammers. "I-I'm sorry I didn't know.." I chuckle. "It's alright. Thank you for saving me. It would have been the third time he's raped me if it actually happened." I watch as the color that was drained from Capron's face comes back. "What?!" Corey and I both jump. "Why do you care? I'm just some girl you found on the street.."

Capron gives me a dirty look. He storms off. "What the hell was that about? It's true.. I'm just some dumb girl.." Corey looks at me. "The rape subject really hits him at home. We had a sister older than me, younger than Capron who died because she was raped." I look at Corey. "O-oh my god.. I'm so sorry." Corey was on the verge of tears. I stand up and hug him. We stand there for about an hour. He fell asleep in my arms. I lay him on his bed and walk to find Capron.

I knock on a random door. "Go away Corey.. I wanna be alone." I furrow my brows. "Um.. it's not Corey. It's Jessie." He sniffs and lets me in. "I'm sorry I got so upset.. it's just.." I hug him. "I know.. Corey told me." I was a few inches taller pthan Capron, which is weird. I'm not used to being taller than a boy. "Holy shit, how tall are you?" He sniffs and chuckles as he pulls away. "6'5" why?" "You're a full 5 inches taller than me!" I laugh.

"I'm glad you're happy now. And yes, I know, I'm tall for a girl. I get it a lot. Ha.." I look at Capron. "Oh, btw, Corey is asleep. He fell asleep standing up in my..." I was cut off by Corey walking up to us. "Hey, I never got your name." He turns to look at me. "Oh I'm Jessie. Jessie Cameron." I smile. Capron and Corey smile back at me. "Pretty name. I like it." Capron winks at me and I blush. I feel it in my cheeks and turn around quickly so he doesn't see it. "I uh.. I need to go.." I run out of the house. I bump into some kid. "Oh, I'm sorry.. I need to watch.." I get up off the ground. As I look up, I'm met with a beautiful pair of blue eyes. "Oh no, it's alright it's my fault." He smiles. "I'm Tanner." I hear Capron and Corey.

"I'm Jessie." I take off. I jump down a ledge and hide at in a bush. I feel something trickle down my leg. "Shit!" I cut my leg open pretty bad. I take my bandana of and tie it around the cut. "Jessie!! Please come back!" I hear Tanner yell. I hear footsteps coming my way. They stop a foot away. I look up to see Tanner. I put my finger on my lips, signaling Tanner to stay quiet. He nods slightly.

"I lost her guys.. I have no clue where she went." He takes off running back towards the house. I take off and someone grabs my wrists. I begin to freak out. I ddon't know who it was because I clamped my eyes shut. "Let me go!!" I begin to kick. I hear a groan and my wrists were free.

I take off again. I don't dare look back.

An hour or so later.

I'm sitting at Starbucks and I see tanner at the door. I motion for him to sit down. "Hey Jessie, what happened at the Funk house? What was that all about?" I sigh. "I had a mini flashback.. w-wait.. you don't know what I'm talking about.." He shakes his head. "No clue.." I begin to explain that my parents both died of cancer. I had no one until the age of 16(that's how old I am now) when my boss Jessica took me in and hired me at Starbucks.

"I had a hectic life and every now and then, I get tiny flashbacks of what happened.." Tanner looks at me. "Man, that's rough." I look behind Tanner and see Capron and Corey getting out of a car. "Shit.. Capron and Corey are here.." I begin to panic. "Go to the bathroom. I'll stall them outside ok?" "That won't work! I'm parked right next to them!" Tanner looks outside. "Here, take my GTR. I'll drive your car and say it's my aunts." I smile and kiss his cheeks. "Thank you!!" I run out a different door and listen for Tanner's car as I repeatedly click the unlock button.

I find it and I almost die. That's the famous Guaczilla I've seen all around instagram. I hurry up and get in it. I start the car and rev it up a few times. "Holy shit!!" I put it in gear and take off.

Corey's pov

I see Tanner's car take off from the parking lot. "Um.." I shake my head and forget about it. Once Capron and I are in Starbucks, I see Tanner sitting alone. "Hey uh.. Tanner? Why did someone just take off in your car?" Tanner looks at me with a worried look on his face. "I didn't drive my car. I drove my Aunt Lauren's."

I look down at his lanyard. "Then why does the key chain say Jessie on it?" He gets up. "I uh.. got to go. See you at Tempest!" He runs out to the car that is parked right next to ours. "Why is he acting so strange.."

FIRST CHAPTER Of Moving in; Getting kicked out is finished!! Let me know what you think!!❤

Moving in; Getting kicked out. A Funk Bros ffWhere stories live. Discover now