Why Home Work Should NOT Exist

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     How Home Work was Invented

    I'd like to start out by saying that 1. Home work was only invented to punish kids for misbehaving in class in the 1800's by one mean history teacher and 2. The only reason it kept going was because other teachers liked that idea and just started giving it out all the time. I honestly don't get why it still exists now since kids are stuck at school for at least 7 hours a day 5 days a week. What more could you possibly want us to do that we couldn't or can't do during those 7 hours?

       Home Work Cuases Stress!
    This is very obvious. When kids get home from school the only thing they want to do is 1. Sleep 2. Eat and or 3. Just relax. It's very annoying being stressed out all day most likely because of (a) test(s) since there's (a) test(s) almost every day! Then when you get home you have to stress again about the 7 hours of home work for science, 5 hours of home work for history, 2 hours of home work for math, and 6 tests you have to study for, all by the morning.

                   Loss of sleep

    Again pretty obvious. I know when I get home work due the next day, sometimes I procrastinate until all the sudden it 11pm and all i've accomplished is noticing how interesting everything else in my room is except my home work and don't end up sleeping until 3am. I then end up with only 3-4 hours of sleep. This isn't every day but it happens often enough that it's an issue. I'm not the only one, ask any high school student, and I'm sure it'll have happened to them plenty of times as well. And teachers get mad at us for Not knowing every answer. It's not like if they gave us less home work we would be more rational and have more energy to think and make out the correct answer because we could actually sleep or anything. *cough* sarcamsism *cough*.

         Home Work Should be Illegal

    This one you might not really think about. At least not think it could actually be true. Home work is basically labour, a long with going to school in and of it self. Kids are held against they're will for at least 7 hours a day, 5 days a week, and made to sit in class rooms and learn things they don't want to. Then once your finally allowed to leave you're forced to do hours more of work. Just to repeat the same process over and over again. We aren't even given the option to leave until we 16 depending on state/area.
    Don't get me started on weekend home work! It's worse! The only 2 days of the 7 day week you're free of school, some teachers decide that 2 days is far too long to not have to worry about or do anything school related. So, they assign twice as much home work as usual due Monday.
Then, there's home work over holidays, like Christmas/winter and spring break, that's the worst kinda kind of home work. Those are the times your supposed to be spending with your family and relaxing, but no, you can't give us that. You decide to make mid terms and final exams all imedatily after break ends, thus forcing us to study or the break or fail the class as a whole for 1 stupid test.

            Standardized testing
    Now this is not home work, in fact it's one of the only times during the school year you don't have home work, but it's the time of year you have to do multiple tests all day everyday for a week straight!

I would like to say I'm very happy to be home schooled and do school online so I don't have to do standardized testing, So there's not much I can say about it or anything 1st hand. Although based on everything my friends say, standardized testing is awful and the only good part about is that there's no home work during the time of the tests.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2016 ⏰

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