Chapter 1

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~2 years later~
Marissa's POV
Hi guys we're back!! It's been 2 years since our wedding ❤️ Updates; I'm now 24 and Luis is 27 , the twins are 4 and Janet is 14 . These past years have been great! Everything is perfect! I haven't seen Gera and the rest of them in a while , I text Oscar here and there he's 17 now and I'm so proud of him . I'm a stay at home mom I guess you could say . I sing here and there . I have 3 boutiques around the la area . I still have my clothing line . I also partnered up with MAC and I have my makeup collection. I'm pretty proud of myself. Luis has been pretty busy too , he's going on tour in 2 days . Other than that his career has been great . Right now I'm on my way to a radio interview. Janet and the twins are at school .

 Janet and the twins are at school

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^ her outfit

Ray: Welcome back and as I promised we now have the beautiful Marissa Ortiz with us . Welcome Marissa
Gieselle: Welcome Marissa
Rissa: thank you for having me !
Ray: You look beautiful as always
Rissa: thank you!
Gieselle: it's the mother glow *laughs*
Rissa: I know *laughs*
Ray: so as you may all know Marissa is a very successful Mother and wife . You recently joined with MAC Cosmetics and launched your makeup collection am I right? how do you feel about it?
Rissa: yes that's right, I'm pretty excited about this partnership with MAC it's another accomplishment for me it's always been a dream of mine to have my own makeup collection.
Gieselle: I actually bought your makeup collection and it's great ! Don't even get me started with the highlight palette! It's the best I've ever had
Rissa: I'm so glad you liked the collection! I actually brought you some of the new products that are about to come out in a week or so . *gives her a bag with makeup*
Gieselle: omg I'll consider this as a Christmas present, I'm in makeup heaven *they all laugh*
Ray: do I get a present? *laughs*
Rissa: yes you do , this is from mine and my husbands clothing line . Another thing that should be coming out soon in our winter collection.
Ray: this is great! I won't say much but you guys really have to go buy their whole winter collection!
Rissa: yes you guys should buy our winter collection
Ray: so now let's talk about you
Rissa: okay what do you wanna know?
Ray: some basic things that I guess most people know
Rissa: like?
Ray: how has being a mother and wife change you or your style?
Rissa: I was a teen mom before I had my twins , so it changed my style a bit back then , but growing up with a brother who's so famous also influences how I dressed back then and now I guess . It's  like having a spotlight on you 24/7 , if you wear something "slutty" in a couple of minutes you could be trending on Twitter and that could really being your self esteem down , having people make fun of what you wear or calling you names. Also when you date someone who's also really famous it influences your style . Other than that since your a mom you have to not only show respect to yourself for your image but to your kids / family or husband .  I'm not saying that you have to be covered up either . If your a young mom don't be afraid to show a little bit of skin once in a while .
Gieselle: preach it *claps*
Ray: so it's true you have another daughter?
Rissa: yes I have a 14 year old daughter named Janet
Ray: How old were you when you had her?
Rissa: I was around 14 /15 I was really young
Ray: how was your experience?
Gieselle: how was your teen pregnancy experience?
Rissa: well I've always said this , I don't regret having her but I wish I had waited a while. I went through a lot of tests , I had people calling me names , I was on the news like every day , I was alone for a few months at the beginning of my pregnancy which was really rough . But at the end when I had her in my arms at the hospital i looked at her and all the bs I went through was worth it .
Ray: what do you mean you were alone for a few months?
Rissa: well my brother was on tour and he took 2 of my brothers and only my younger brother and my older brother stayed but they weren't at the house , when I had told my parents they were really really disappointed and they left to Mexico and I stayed alone , my best friend would come over and would keep me company but I would still feel alone .
Gieselle: what about the babydaddy?
Rissa: he still didn't know . he was still going to school he would ask me why wouldn't I go and stuff and he would try to come over and bring me what I missed since we had the same classes and I would ignore him because i was showing already he found out when I was around 6/7 months
(skip questions)
Ray: now let's get to the Twitter questions
Rissa: okay
Ray: so I tweeted "Send ya questions for @realmarissaortiz"
Gieselle: Tiffany asks " hi Marissa , How would you feel if Janet one day comes up to you and tells you that she's pregnant?"
Rissa: Hi Tiffany and I would be disappointed because as I said earlier I was a teen mom and as a mother you want your kids to make better choices than the ones you made . don't get me wrong I will support her through everything because I didn't have that I know how it feel to not have support and I don't want her to go through it
Gieselle: do you think she'll hide it from you?
Rissa: I don't think she would hide it from me because we have a really close relationship she knows she could trust me .
Ray: now that's mother and daughter goals . Brianna asks " Hi Marissa , When are you having another baby? Ps: I love you"
Rissa: Hi Brianna I love you too & I think we're good for now , I'm really focused on the clothing line and other things and Luis he's also focused on his career
Gieselle: Maddie asks " Why don't you post pictures with the twins and why do you rarely post any with Janet?"
Rissa: we decided not to have our kids on social media because they're still young and we don't want them growing up with that . I rarely post pictures her because my life doesn't depend on people seeing me with my daughter  . I hope that answered your questions Maddie
Ray: dayum Maddie got told just kidding

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