Chapter 30: Everlasting.

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As time went by Grant and Mia we're growing faster than those could keep up. The town was slowly changing as life moved on. Most of the couples had children of their own as long lasting bonds we're formed.

As for the farm that was left behind for Marcus so many years ago. It flourished under the watchful eye of Him and Leah. Each year brought new crops and new lives as farm animals came and went. While everyone adjusted in finding where they truly belonged it was something to behold.

Despite other corporations trying to move in when Joja left the town remained strong in keeping them out. As it was they all agreed "We are a community no matter how big we get and we will stay a community."

As it was everyone's dream seemed to be realized. Leah become a renowned artist making Pelican town an artistic destination. Artist from all around would come in fall to paint and sculpt finding inspiration not to mention it did the town good around the harvest festival.

Haley finally found what she was looking for all her life. A simpler life not having to worry about keeping up with trends. If anything she become quiet a photographer thriving on taking perfect shots. As it was some of her pictures we're featured in magazines. For Alex who was happily married to her he started to study other things besides sports word was he was thinking of opening up his own business but as for now he was working odd jobs for the town.

For Maru her dream of becoming a famed inventor spread after her successful deluxe medical scanner that had been used by local towns near Pelican town saved so many lives. Harvey of course had achieved his dream of marrying the girl he loved.

Looking at Elliot and Mary well Elliot had become a renowned author who's books touched the very souls of those who would read them while Mary found her muse in archeology donating her finds to the museum. With what she found they had learned much of the lands past history as among otherthings.

Shane and Lucy the two who didn't seem to have a goal in life finished their home and become experts in the field of raising animals to this day their chickens are prized for laying the best eggs in all the valley.

As you know of course Sam and Penny began their lives as teachers one in the arts the other all around. It was a path Sam never thought about but he found he enjoyed teaching kids about music but most of all he enjoyed watching Penny teach them about the world around them.

Clint and Emily well their story is an interesting one. With her skill in making clothes Clint found a way to put his trade to use making gold inlays for the clothing she made and Jewelry prized by all. Who would of thought Clint could make something out of nothing despite hating being a blacksmith at first.

Our dear Abigail finally found the courage to venture down into the caves becoming an expert in exploration which was something she had dreamed of. As for Sebastien he now had a purpose to stay and finally find his smile. He continued writing programs but in his off time when Abby was off exploring he was studying business and how to run a general store with Pierre.

Yet now we came down to the farm once more where Marcus was walking with Leah the twins of course we're much older now at least four years old to be exact Mia riding on her fathers shoulders laughing as the butterfly's went by while Grant held onto his mothers hand smiling as he looked at the fields the cows and sheep we're in.

"Well dear has life turned out the way you've wanted it to?" Leah asked him smiling as she looked down at Grant. "No. It hasn't" Leah stopped as Mia looked down at him shock was shown on Leah's face but Marcus turned around a smile on his face. "It turned out better than I excepted." She smiled hearing those words from her husband. "I'm a husband, A father, I have two wonderful children, a loving wife and a life I love I never thought it would turn out like this." He said as Mia laughed playing with her fathers hair. "Daddy I want down !" Mia said as he picked her up off he shoulder and sat her down. She ran over and tagged Grant they both smiled and ran off ahead of them laughing while playing tag. Leah leaned into Marcus and smiled. "To be honest I never thought my life would of amounted to this too. I never thought I'd be a mother or a wife. To be honest I didn't think I deserved a life like this." His arm around her he smiled. "I agree I didn't think the same but look us." She nodded and smiled as Mia came running up pulling on Leah's pant leg before raising her arms up wanting to be picked up. Grant of course ran over and jumped into Marcus knocking down on the ground. "Oof !" Marcus said as he looked down at Grant. "I got you !" he said as Marcus then grinned and grabbed him holding him upside down. "Now I got you." Grant could be heard laughing before Marcus righted him and held him in his arms.

Finally after their long walk they came upon Grandpa's shrine as Marcus smiled he dusted the leaves off and placed his hand on the stone. "Hey Grandpa I wanted to just say thanks for everything you did." Suddenly a blue light began to glow from the center and a spirit formed Marcus and Leah stepped back as it formed into the shape of a man.

"My grandson ! My how you've grown. Come come now don't you recognize your own grandfather !" The man said smiling at them. "Gr-Grandpa ! but but how ?" Marcus said as the twins ran up to him and smiled. "Grandpa ! daddy is this your grandpa ?" Marcus laughed as Grandpa looked down. "Good heavens it seems you have been busy I take these are my Great grand children ?" Leah smiled as she leaned into Marcus and replied. "Yes they are I'm Leah Marcus's wife." Grandpa looked up and smiled. "I couldn't ask for a better woman to be with him. I've heard of you from what Marcus has said and I'm proud to call you my Granddaughter."

Some tears rolled down her cheek as it had been a long time since she had been called Granddaughter not since her grandmothers passing. "Now then Grandson I've come back to tell you you've done a fine job to fine as a matter a fact." The once stone pillars that seemed to hold candles light up in a bright blue fire all four of them. "My final and truly final gift to you is this." A parcel formed on the shrine as he picked it up and handed it to Marcus. "Enclosed are the blueprints to making tools and machines for the farm as well as a few upgrades to the greenhouse and cave. I've been saving these for you for when you've proven yourself to me."

Marcus took the parcel and smiled. "Thank you grandpa but to be honest your final gift to me was giving me this farm and honestly giving me a purpose in life again. Helping me find Leah and blessing me with my children Grant and Mia. Nothing could replace that gift you've given me." Grandpa smiled as he looked at the little family. "Indeed it would seem I am proud of you both and I hope you're lives will be as blessed as mine was."

With those words he vanished into the air the fires stayed lit to symbolize the hard work they had done and to remind them of what the future might bring.

Over the years afterwords life pretty much stayed the same despite Grandpa coming to visit once in awhile even though he was a ghost when Marcus needed advice that none could give he would talk to him at the shrine.

But now our story ends for now at least as another begins. for Marcus and Leah they had found everlasting happiness but now we'll look towards the next generation of Pelican town and what is in store for them.

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