Blinny One-Shot

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Flashback... Ginny POV

"Ginerva" Harry started, "I... I grew up into a rich family. You grew up into a family that had nothing. When I saw you, it wasn't love at first sight. It was lust. I only married you for your looks, for pleasure. Not because I loved you. And... I've found someone who I love and will give her body to me unconditionally. Unless you will give yours to me."

I broke inside. That's why he married me at 18. Not for love... But if I give him what he wants he will stay with me. I should do it- GINNY WEASLEY. YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO THIS DON'T LET YOURSE-
I felt a tug on my shirt. Harry was unbuttoning it.
"Harry no!" I shouted. He grabbed his wand. "Yes Ginny. Luostrion." He casted. I could feel the spell on me, designed to make me feel lust, to get into a bed with any guy, Harry made this spell.
Fight it.
*SMACK* I slapped Harry Potter. My now ex-husband. "I'M LEAVING AND I'M NOT COMING BACK." I screeched. Harry laughed, a deep low laugh. "You can't leave if I don't want you to. I've got the wizarding world wrapped around my finger."
And he wasn't wrong.

~three months later~

Harry was cheating on me. I knew it. He kicked me out of our room on weekends. The only way to keep from crying was to drown myself in something. My first answer was parties. I held one every Friday night, we- Harry could afford it. Harry came down every time, just to bring a new girl to his room after a few drinks.
But no one ever suspected a thing. Hermione had asked and looked into it and found nothing. Everyone thought we were those dolls, Ken and... Barbie? But 'Ken' always got way to drunk.
Today's Friday, time for another party... I could hold a masquerade and no one would knows it's me so I could sneak out.
What about my trunks?
Ugggghhhhh. I need to ask Hermione but she'll get so worried... It's ok Hermione is my friend. Well I'll call up the house elves to send letters.
12 owls set out.
One to the Malfoys (Hermione and Draco).
One to the Zabinis and one to the Notts. Them and Harry became drinking buddies some while ago.
One to the Weasleys, I can't believe my brother got married to Astoria Greengrass.
One to Teddy who had his 17th a few days ago.
One to the Longbottoms, it was so confusing I always thought that Neville would marry Luna... Not Hannah.
Next to the Scamanders. Luna and Rolf are so in love it hurts to look at them.
And the rest went to people Harry had befriended over the last year.
*crash* The door broke, nope there's Hermione I'm gonna be screamed at, I should run, she is goddamned scary-"GINERVA WEASLEY! I didn't know he was abusing you how could he? Him and Ron turned so cruel and I told Draco I wouldn't be back for a few days... You know I really want to find you someone better. So... At the masquerade find someone to mess around with while I obliviate Harry and-" Hermione rambled
"Ok the only thing I heard was mess around but that's fine with me if he's hot." I know it was wrong while I was still married to Harry but after we would report him to the Ministry about abusing me. Me and Hermione decided to go and get our dresses, and I didn't need permission as Harry was with the 'Whore of the Week' as Hermione and I dubbed them.

We were off, already at Lacie Rob's Robes, having apparated there. I immediately ran to the shortest dresses. Hermione was sulking behind. She didn't like shopping which I really didn't understand why ever not. But still she came over to me and ushered me into a dressing room. She threw 5 dresses over. I tried on the first, it was a soft green fabric with rhinestones all over the top slowly fading out. It was strapless and went just above my knees. I came out and saw Hermione with a notepad. Apparently she was writing down scores.
I went back in and tried on the second. It had spaghetti straps and was red, going down to my mid thigh. It was a bit too plain. I decided not to go out and try the next one on.
The second one was skin tight at the bodice (which was full of rhinestones), showing a little cleavage. It was a deep sapphire and went almost above my mid thigh area where it was flared out. It had zero straps. It was THE DRESS. I walked out and Hermione was stunned, dropping her notepad. There was faint rhythmic clapping and a wolf whistle. While Hermione walked away I turned around and stopped short. There stood Blaise Zabini with Astoria (as she wanted to surprise Ron with her dress). "I thought you were with Potter, Potter. Though I must say Red, you look great." Blaise called, back at Hogwarts I would have hexed him but now I blush furiously, my cheeks betraying me. Mione came back just then with a dress exactly the same except in a purplish pink. "Well Blaise, (Hermione and him are great friends, due to Draco) good thing your still single and ready to mingle. Little Miss Blusher over here is too, the douche sleeps with a different girl every weekend! Can you believe it. The fame has gotten to his head." Hermione exclaimed only making me blush harder. Hermione and Astoria smirked at mine and Blaise's discomfort. "Ok get shopping you two." She ushered at the Astoria. Just before leaving she levitated two pairs of pumps both in white. We left not even needing to pay, just nodding at the cashier.

~later that evening~

"HERMIONE! WE FORGOT MASKS!" I screeched hoping she would hear. I heard her door creak open.
She walked out of the bathroom smiling devilishly. "Sure you did Gin but I didn't." She held them up. They were identical, rhinestones and swirls of white. The only difference was that one was pinky purple and one was sapphire blue. THEY WERE PERFECT. I couldn't be more happy. A party and I get to leave Harry all in one night? Amazing. Now to get ready for tonight.
Hermione started on my hair, leaving it loose but curled. A strand of hair was braided and clipped back. She even sprinkled in a few sapphires.
Next she did my make up. She opted to do it with magic. A deep blue smokey eye with wicked eyeliner. My eyelashes were pulled to their extent. My lips were soft, and coloured to a rich magenta.
Hermione got herself ready in the flick of her wand. We were finally ready. The party had started half and hour ago, so we were safe to say that we were fashionably late. We peeked around and at the bottom of the staircase was Draco, waiting for Mione. She went down hesitantly before me. Gracefully down she went step after step. She was 2 steps away when he grabbed her and spun her around. I sighed. I wanted that with someone. Well. Here goes nothing. I pushed open the wide double doors leading to the Grande Staircase. The Ballroom was full of laughter and conversation but all stopped. I walked over to the railing gripping on for support. Nobody except Draco and Hermione know it's me, I'm fine. Deep breaths. I slowly descended the stairs, at the bottom a line of guys waited as I passed, each grabbed my hand and kissed it. I reached the end and immediately knew who it was. It couldn't be. But it was. He softly kissed it, lingering there for a few seconds. He looked up and my breath caught. Never before have I noticed those specks of green in his mocha eyes. I turned as the beat came on. It was my FAVOURITE muggle song ever!

Somebody save your soul cause you've been sinning in this city I know-

I turned to the boys. "I need a partner!" They all started forwards but him, he stopped them with just a glare. He came forwards his voice deep and mysterious. "Dance with me?" My breath caught. "Of course." He wasted no second in twirling me onto the dancefloor with the swarms of people.

We had danced to 7 songs non stop. My feet ached but still he dragged me with him to the corner. "I must know who you are." His voice coming through just barely with the noise. I didn't answer, fear striking through me. His eyes narrowed, seeming to focus on my features. Slowly lifting my mask. "Red."

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