living with my brothers best friend (3)

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***sorry that I didn't post ASAP I don't even have a excuse......haha THANK YOU for all the reads and votes! Leave you stories name and ill read/comment/vote! Okay!!!! Bye!***

1st hour Clay POV

When I saw my first hour door...I just walked right past it. Today in class we were reading all hour. ALL hour, so I figured I could oh you know. Ditch for a while, it's good every few weeks.

I walked out the mains doors to the play ground; I know what you're going to say so hold it. I went to the swings and sat down.

***I can't make it Clay's POV for the whole thing but I will switch out and in through the whole thing okay!!!***

Alex POV

Recap: what I saw next was completely jaw dropping.

Clay was swinging in the middle of first hour.

It was hilarious! He looked like a little school boy! AHhaha I chuckled to myself loudly. I scooted my desk closer to the window to watch this amuzi-Annoying! Boy! Because i-I do-do not like h-him! I watched him till the bell rang.

***im going to speed this up a bit!!!!!!***


Our school is weird, so every grade sits together. Trust me it's a really big cafeteria. REALLY big. I walked in the ENORMUS cafeteria and took my spot at the middle table. Each table could hold 15 students. I was usually here first because I had the locker RIGHT next to the lunchroom. I was so lucky. Just then my brother came in.

"Hey! Can I sit next to you!?" he asked pointing at the sit next to me. "Of course!" I say in an annoyed tone. He asks me the same question every day. He then sits down when Alex came in the room.

"heyyyy, Bella? I know I ask you this allll the time you mind!" she smiles and sits down next to me before I could answer.

Then the swinging kid came in. Without talking he sat across from me, he then said quietly.

"I like swings...."

This made me giggle like crazy! Hehe, I got up from my seat to get my lunch out of my locker that I forgot. Hehe Clay makes me sooo happ--- ANGERY yeah.

Clay POV

She got up from the table still busting with giggles. She then sprinted out of the door. I got up from the table ignoring Pete's glare.

***Pete is the name of the brother!!! Okay back to the story***

I walked calmly out out of the room to Bella's locker.

She was on the ground laughing. When I say on the ground I mean her back to the locker and her butt to the ground.

She stood up and faced me.

Her giggles became less forced and became more calm.

Evenly they stop. Your never going to believe what happened next.

She leaned in real close.....

*** Darn. Cant end it her.... To many votes hehe thank again!***

And said.

"I saw you swinging in class."

I sucked in a breath. I was so disappointed. She was on her tip toes barley tall enough to see my eyes. I could feel her breath on my lips.... Come on man! Just kiss her then my inner angel V.S devil thing went on.

^..^ do it! She wont care...

(..) of corse she will she is to innocent not to....

^..^ oh whatever!

I like the devil side better. I mean who wouldn't!

I leaned in and kissed her.

When our lips connected I could feel the spark. But instead of letting me kiss her she pulled away. Darn.

***hehe tell me what you think in a comment plz***

Alex POV


I backed up way to fast and fell down on my butt.

He reached down to help me but I didn't want his help he tried to touch me but I screamed "GET AWAY FROM ME YOU PERVERT! YOOU THINK YOU CAN KISS ME AND GET AWAY WITH IT!!! DOUBT IT!!"

He looked amused and walked back into the lunch room.

Clay POV


^..^ hey angel


^..^suck it.

Alex pov

I have to admit love meter for Clay has gone from this

0 to this 5 (scale to one to ten.)


I walked back into the cafeteria

My brother way talking to Alex and all the other jock's who I can't remember.

"hey will you drive me home?"


"I feel sick." I say while glance at Clay. He was starring right at me.

I look down and blush.

Do I like him? NO. do..NO does..NO will it ever?NONONO...welll NO!

He got up and took my hand and started walking toward the exit.

***super speed!***

____at home___

My brother went back to school borrrrring right?

Whatever I started making dinner.


I looked at the door. Hehe betcha it was Clay. Betcha!

I ran over to the door and answered it.

A man dressed in black with gun was behind the door.

Before I could manage a scream he took the bottom of the gun and hit it to my head.

I blacked out to blackness

***TAADAA hope you loved it. Please vote and comment. Want 8 votes till next chapter! Bye!***

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2010 ⏰

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