The beginning

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His black paws trampled the freshly fallen snow as his bright red eyes pierced through the falling snow. His heavy breathing swirled the snow around as his ears perked up at a sharp pitched howl. He has heard the loud pitch before as his walk sprinted into a run growling heavily his canines appeared. He ran faster and faster as the howls of distress became louder. He saw her silky bright gray coat stained with crimson blood that trickled all around her coat. He howled heavily and nuzzled under her muzzle with a whimper. His only friend that stuck with him even after the tragic events in the past was laying there dying. His eyes gleamed with sorrow as her breathing was troubled and heavy. He looked at the wound licking at the blood stained coat smelling the stench of the two-legs that roamed his land. He pushed his side against hers licking her cheek very softly as he helped her to the path of death. Her breathing halted and her body fell still as well as her eyes glossing over. His howl rang out in the eerie silence breaking from the howl. His friend has died and now he was to walk alone again, a lone hunter who showed no mercy towards anything. He dragged her corpse under a ledge and licked her matted cheek. He slowly walked away his eyes growing heavier with sorrow but was quickly covered up with anger. He still had the stench of the two leg who killed his friend in his nose. He found the track quickly as he saw the fresh falling snow begin to cover up the track. He ran after the tracks quickly his muscles ripping beneath his pelt as his eyes began to glow brighter. Anger filling every movement in his body as he ran faster and faster watching a dim light appear slightly through the snow. His tail went up rigged with a heavy threat as he drew closer to the weird structure filled with two leg stench and light. His muzzle wrinkled up baring his sharpened teeth as his heavy body threw himself against the structure as it opened up loud screams came from the two-legs. He was half the size of a normal wolf and his canines were sharper than most as he lunged at the one that smelled the same from his friend. His teeth ripped into the flesh, blood filled over his tongue as he got revenge. The two leg threw something up and it scratched over his muzzle as he snapped. His canines clenched around the neck of the two leg breaking every bone beneath his canines. The blood sprayed up into his face staining his black fur and matting it up as he escaped from the house happy that he got his payback. His body collapsed beneath a tree exhaustion filling over his body. He ended up sleeping till the sun came back up and his pelt was covered with snow. His body ached from the cold but he ended up getting up to go find some sort of shelter to block the snow out. He looked around as his heavy paws crunched the snow beneath as he tried to find a cave or some other sort of shelter. He heard yet another howl as his fur bristled and his ears fell back, the blood still stained on his face. He heard heavy paws pounding against the fine powder on the ground as he heard vicious barks from the distance. His paw steps halted and his red eyes stared through the foggy snowy air as his tail went rigged again threatening the other wolves as he bared his canines. The wolves didn't look like normal wolves as well, They weren't small but big and bulky with long tails and harshly pointed ears. Their harsh eyes were different colors like, yellow, blue, red, crystal clear, and so many different colors among the pack. His black fur stood him out in the snow as he attempted to back away. He recognized who the wolves as these wolves were the ones who turned him into the killing machine he use to be. The bared canines of the yellow eyed wolf snapped out against his neck as he ran quickly over dead trees and down into a deep ravine. His body stumbled over his paws throwing him deeper into the ravine. Sharp pointed rocks stuck out at his tumbling body as he hit each one. Blood staining through his thick black pelt as he fell to the bottom of the ravine. He looked up from the bottom to see all the sets of glowing eyes but the yellow glow stood out the most as his strength drained from his body. He closed his eyes and let his head lay against the cold stone beneath. His will to live was very shallow ever since his best friend had died and he didn't want to get up. He thought he may see her but knowing she may have went to the stars above and not to the shadowed forest beneath the earth he knew he was going to.

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