Sirius runs away (entry to a one-shot competition)

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Sixteen-year-old Sirius Black entered his room and threw himself onto the bed. Another family reunion had ended and he was exhausted, angry and frustrated. The thing about the relationship between Sirius and his family was that they didn't get along very well. Correction - they didn't get along at all. Sirius's family was a very old pure-blood family and they didn't appreciate muggles, muggle-borns, squibs and blood-traitors: in other words they were wizard racists. If anybody in their family turned out to be a blood-traitor, they got disowned and were no longer part of the family. That fate was awaiting Sirius as well. It was just a matter of time before his parents would have enough and throw him out of the house.

Sirius had just (in his parents opinion) messed up the whole reunion, because he hadn't congratulated his cousin Bellatrix and her fiance Rodolphus Lastrange for becoming a death eater - death eaters are big supporters of Voldemort (the most dark and evil wizard of all time). When everybody applauded the two new death eaters in the family, they turned at Sirius and asked him what he had to say. Sirius never said anything if he didn't mean it. Especially when it came to family. So he said that he hated what Voldemort was planing and would not offer his congratulations for something as terrible. His parents gasped in shock and everybody was looking at him, like he had fallen from Neptune.

His parents will come bursting into his room any moment now. He actually hoped, that his parents would disown him eventually. Who knows, maybe his dear mother Walburga Black will have the pleasure of blasting his name off the tapestry tonight. 

"SIRIUS ORION BLACK COME DOWN HERE NOW" and there came Walburgas voice. She had (in Sirius's opinion) the loudest voice in the world. She was louder than a banshee and her voice was as deadly as a mandrakes. Sirius got up. He quickly made sure that his trunk was packed and that he had his wand in his back pocked, if his mother decides to go nuts and he needed to get out of the house as quick as possible. He entered the living room. And in the middle of it a very furious Walburga Black was standing. She reminded Sirius of this dangerous animal from the muggle world... what was it called? A bik...ball...bull? Yeah that's right, a very angry bull.


'Me to' Sirius thought, but decided not to say it and gave his mother the most mocking look (which she did not notice) to continue.

"WE EXCEPTED THE FACT THAT YOU'RE A GRYFINDOR" Sirius was trying to hold his laughter back "WE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING, EVEN THOUGH YOU COMMUNICATE WITH BLOOD-TRAITORS, MUDBLOODS AND ALL THE VERMIN THAT LIVE IN THIS WORLD! If she wouldn't of said mudblood and blood-traitor, Sirius would have been laughing by now. His parents had never got over his house and they were having rows about who he talks to all the time. And she thinks they were what? Bottling up they're feelings or something? Wow this woman should listen to herself.

"BUT NOW!" she went on "YOU GO AND SAY THAT THE DARK LORD, THE GREATEST LORD IN THE WORLD IS RUBBISH IS JUST ENOUGH! HE IS ONLY TRYING TO KEEP THE WORLD PURE  AND YOU DENY HIS BRILLIANCE!" Sirius was getting slightly bored. When will she just say 'get out' or something? He kinda zoned out for a minute and didn't hear what she was talking, but it was probably that he was a disgrace to the family blah, blah, blah. He decided to go and listen again, so he might catch a few words, that might mean 'you're disowned' or something equally beautiful.

"AND IT WAS THE FIRST TIME RODOLPHUS WAS HERE! WHAT MUST HE THINK OF US NOW?! POOR BELLA MUST BE SO EMBARRASSED" nah nothing interesting. And than a wonderful solution came to his mind. He could just leave, couldn't he. His parents won't be sad or everything. Right on the contrary, they might call another family reunion to celebrate such a lovely event. He started to listen again, waiting for a proper moment to interrupt and get out of the house. Hey, maybe he could throw another dong bomb in it as he goes... wouldn't be a bad idea...

Sirius runs away (entry to a one-shot competition)Where stories live. Discover now