Belle's Info

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• Belle

• Rogue-Wolf

Belle is a fairly large she-wolf with a thick coat of simply white fur that causes her black nose to stand out;her eyes are a deep silver color.

Just as deadly as she is beautiful,black,razor sharp claws can be found on her paws as well as the sharp white canines, incisors, and molars in her mouth;perfect for knawing through bone.

Belle has an oddly long tail,and large paws that are more the size of a big felines,but her larger size balances it all out.

Belle has an oddly long tail,and large paws that are more the size of a big felines,but her larger size balances it all out

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[ I've been here 6ish years and I've always had a solid white wolf. Don't think I'm copying the phase.]

For the most part Belle is a spitting image of Haylie although she is a lot more independent and often enjoys being left alone to think.

She is without a doubt a healer and a very good one at that. Belle cares about her friends as if they were family,and like a mother she is always looking after them.

Unlike Haylie who is very childlike at times,Belle is almost always serious and contemplating outcomes to different things.

As far as pack's go,she has been a Beta,Head Healer,and even an Alpha at one point but she is a rogue now. Maybe one day a new pack will come along and change that,but she doubts it.

~Water Bender/Elemental
~Knowledge of Healing,including both wolf and human anatomy. This includes both natural remedies and or medical ones.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2016 ⏰

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