Meeting Him

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So right now Cameron, Aaron, and I are getting off the airplane. (Oh how rude hi I'm Gen Mila Dallas, I am 13, 14 in 3 weeks! I look exactly like Camila Cabello. I am now joining Magcon. My older brother is Cameron Dallas.) I saw  Bret with a Magcon sign. Taylor was standing next to him. "TAYLOR!!" I yelled.  I jumped into Taylor's arms. "For a 13 year old you are really tall."  Taylor let go of me. "Taylor 14 in 3 weeks." Cameron reminded him. "Dang I remember when you were 9 and having a crush on Hayes." Taylor  laughed. "Shut up." I laughed. "Come on we have to go to the area where the rest will come out of." Bret said. "Bret we don't need them." I said smiling. " Christian and Kristen are on that flight." Bret smirked. "Let's go see Christian and Kristen! Oh don't tell anyone I said let's ditch them." I laughed. "Okay." Aaron, Cameron, Taylor, and Bret said. I laughed. Wanna piggy back ride?" Cameron asked. I nodded. I put Cameron's back pack over mine and jumped onto his back. Bret has my suitcase. We  headed over to where we are supposed to meet everybody.

  It has been a good 10 minutes and the airplane is now letting people exit.  I turned and saw this really cute boy. "Hi beautiful." He said. "Hi." I smiled. "Hunter this is my sister I always talk about Gen or you can call her Mila, she couldn't make the last tour sadly." Cameron let me down. I saw Blake Gray. "Hey you look beautiful." Blake hugged me and lightly kissed my cheek. "Hey." I said  checking the time. "MILA!!" Jacob Sartorius hugged me. "Hey boi." I smiled.  "Why you so tall?" Jacob asked. "I don't know. Why you so short?"  I laughed. We were just about to leave so I snapped a pic. (Above)

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