Ch. 1: Prologue

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My name is Josh Frost. I am immortal. I've been alive since 1604 and plan to stay alive.

My "storyteller", Freddie Jo, stumbled across another game. Mystic Messenger... Listening to her freak out about Jaehee's ending, resetting, the "Doomed timeline", etc.... It's a very interesting show.

Currently, in what I would call YOUR timeline, FJ. is a teenager, typety typing on her phone... Her current place in "my timeline"? Day 7, Luciel's route. She's completed Jaehee's and gotten Jumin's bad ending. That's what's called the "doomed timeline".

But that was a long time ago for me. Actually, about a year ago. Since then, Rose Frost, my little adopted sister has met the RFA. I'm 22, physically, the same age as FJ. from this timeline. She's dating Luciel, Zen and Jaehee are a thing~ oh, sorry. I do tend to fangirl! I ship them~

And then there's JUMIN. Freakin' Jumin... FJ. hates his guts. I just don't understand it! It's like watching her around a double-Klaus. Like from Wizardess heart....

This may be from the doomed timeline. She doesn't trust Jumin. She doesn't even answer his calls. Because she remembers being kidnapped and "raped".

Ni☆U: I'm a psychic I promise you~

707: lolol psychic FJ and God Seven!

707: High five!



Jumin Han: -____-'

Jaehee: -_-' seconded

Ni☆U: Jaehee you've known me long enough~ lol

Jaehee: lol true

Oh, did I forget to mention? The difference between the doomed timeline and the other two, is no one remembers them aside from FJ. and maybe Seven. I think...?

So, Jaehee and FJ.? They're best buds again. Yoosung's Jumin's assistant~ AHAHAHAHA

ZEN: so, speaking of psychics,

ZEN: did you dig up any dirt on any of us today?

Ni☆U: lol no

Ni☆U: actually yes but I'm not supposed to tell stuff I figure out....

~Frostedcodes joined the chat~

Frostedcodes: SEVEN

Frostedcodes: WTF

Frostedcodes: DID YOU DO???

~707 left the chat~

Ni☆U: what did he do

Balletbooty: there's a dragon outside my window


~Ni☆U left the chat~

~Balletbooty left the chat~

~Balletbooty joined the chat~

Balletbooty: no you don't~

Balletbooty: lol I win

Jumin Han: ?????

~Ni☆U joined the chat~

Ni☆U: Josh... I was gonna get that... ;;;

Oh, I'm balletbooty, haha. I do ballet. I know, gay, right? Right.


Jumin Han: which one?

Balletbooty: I'm guessing Cera.

~Frostedcodes left the chat~

Yoosung☆: okay bye rude

Ni☆U: lol

Ni☆U wait she's coming after my bf okay bye

~Ni☆U left the chat~

Balletbooty: ;;;;

Jaehee: lol right? I've a meeting in ten minutes so gbye

ZEN: hay same!

Balletbooty: k, c y'all

Jaehee: goodbye.

ZEN: bai~

~Jaehee left the chat~

~ZEN left the chat~

Jumin Han: I have nowhere to be today, surprisingly.

Balletbooty: really? No meetings? No Mr. Chairman breathing down your neck?

Jumin Han: haha, no. You?

Balletbooty: Not sure. Depends on if Cera comes back. Oh, well.

Jumin Han: You'll be lucky if she doesn't show up again in the next hour.

Cera, the dragon of death. She takes the form of a giant, basically, among humans. She's about 9 feet tall. She follows those with magical abilities around because of the energy we emit. Seven, FJ. and I get a lot of attention. I believe that's because FJ and I have abilities, and Seven remembers the resets, and is therefore a threat to the dragons...? Or easier to track, and another source of entertainment. That's all you'll need to know for now... Also that they're very annoying.

The best way to deal with them is to just distract them to the point of anger and open a portal back to their home underneath them. It's fun~

Balletbooty: CROSSING MY FINGERS lol

Jumin Han: crossing fingers won't help, you know.

Balletbooty: I know o~o

Jumin Han: So, how are you today?

Balletbooty: Fine and dandy, you?

Jumin Han: I'm fine. Today is certainly no different than yesterday, except I was busy.

Balletbooty: Hooray for days off! Lol

Balletbooty: Do you know who she might've gotten dirt on?

Jumin Han: It probably wasn't me, if it was she would've already posted it here.

Balletbooty: I srsly don't know what her problem is -___-'

Jumin Han: I do. That doomed timeline. She remembers it, even if the rest of us don't.

Jumin Han: Apparently I was a real ass there.

Balletbooty: Yes, but that isn't HERE. LEgit.

Jumin Han: lol ikr

Ballet: Haha you acronymmed

Jumin Han: that's not a word -___-

Balletbooty: Neither is ikr

Jumin Han: Touche

Balletbooty: Hay, I'ma go. Rose is looking for me. I think we're gonna team up and kick 707's ass... >:]

Jumin Han: Good luck.

~Balletbooty has left the chat~

Jumin Han: I suppose I should go, then.

~Jumin Han has left the chat~  

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