"You were in college working part time waiting tables/Left a small town never looked back."

Phil had never been content with his life. He was pissed, done, and just sad with his life. His parents were rich, his siblings were quite good to him, and his schoolmates looked to him like he was God. Or Satan, nobody really knows how they looked to Phil. All he knows is they didn't talk to him and stared at him, making him feel like he isn't good enough--or pretty enough.

But that all changed when he moved to Reading. He moved there for college, and his parents (neglectful as they were) refused to give him the money he needed and he has to work at a diner across the street from a high school where all the rowdy kids ran into the diner after school. Before school, some kids would come in with large coffee orders for them and their friends and it was actually quite wonderful. All Phil had to do was take the orders, serve the dine in customers, and clean the tables--as the diner was only busy before and after school. He liked how the diner was okay with his blue and black fringe that clashed with his ghost-white skin, and how his boss treated him well despite probably knowing of Phil's growing alcohol problem.

"Hey, Phil!" The boy is pulled out of his Twitter feed. "Most of our coworkers are going out for a beer tonight, want to come?"

Phil thinks long and hard. He doesn't drink in public and he is a very emotional drunk about how his parents didn't care, and he doesn't want any of his coworkers to know what happened back in Manchester. He doesn't want anybody to know. Noticing Michael, his coworker, is staring at him awaiting an answer, Phil gives a sad smile and shakes his head. "Sorry, Michael. I have class tonight and I can't."

"Oh," Michael whispers, looking a little down that Phil couldn't come. "Maybe next time."

At that moment the high school let out and kids came flooding in,  so Phil put his phone away and starts leading kids to their tables, taking orders and explaining the specials to the familiar faces. 

After the rush hour, Phil leans against the wall behind the register and rests. He pulls up his Twitter again but watches Michael through his peripheral vision. Michael looks hopeless, like how Evan looked when Phil started to ignore him because Evan loved Phil. So much. Phil didn't love Evan, and lost his best friend of 15 years out of fear for his sexuality surfacing.

Phil bites his lip at the word coming to his mind. He's pansexual and so far in the closet and forgot the way out.

Until he saw the brown-haired boy in a pink flower crown and blue jeans stroll in holding a book.

When Phil saw him, he started racing towards the closet entrance, faster than Usain Bolt.

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