My bad boy knight? A Louis Tomlinson Story

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8 years ago on my 11th birthday, my father disappeared, no he didn't leave, leaving implies suitcases and empty dressers, it would have meant he was unhappy with my mother and I, not at all. He also didn't die, we would've known, it would have been on the news about a car crash or a murder of some sort and they would have identified the victim. 8 years ago my dad took me to the beach, one of my favourite places to go at that time. It was a very suttle beach, no one hardly went there because they probably didn't know where it was, it was beautiful, sand white as snow, the water crystal clear, all the little sea creatures you could see at the bottom, it was perfect. I asked if I could go into the water and play with the starfish, my dad said yes. I ran to the water and splashed around to play with the starfish and other sea creatures, I turned around to show my dad this big starfish I found, but he wasn't there, only his shoes were, I started screaming 'Dad' as loud as I could, no one answered, I ran all the way home, it was only about 10 minutes, once I got home years were streaming down my face, my mother came and asked what was wrong, I told her dad has disappeared, she didn't believe me at first, she waited for him to come through the door, he never came, that is when she realised, he really has disappeared. Later we had the police search the beach, to find if he left a trace. He didn't, the police didn't find anything. So mum decided to move far away, she decided to move to London . Mum said she wanted to 'start over' that is when she found a nice and caring man, or so she thought she did.

My name is Jade Sommers, and this is how I found my knight in shining armour. Well not exactly knight. More like a tattooed, sea green with a hint of blue eyed, bad boy.

Well guys I hope you like it, it was a pleasure writing this, I hope you add this to your library so you can see when I have updated it. I will be putting the link in my bio on Instagram. My Instagram is


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