one day ther waz a sadd bredstik named luek. luEk wok up une date 2 fined out this vv hot sezy guy named mical. mical thought luek waz qutwe but he waz not instresteded. luek got evvenn saddered and wanteded to die. mical told the bredstik luek not to kill him selfie , tat mical will going on a d8t wth luek. Luek got vvv vvvv happierest and starteded 2 gettinhg readii. He put on his clots and compact buuts with ribbed jens. Mical out on his toxedu and pikeded up luek at the bus stup . they vvent to a famsy rest or ront. they hate pizza and beens with beeewr. mical waked luek house and gav him a kizz ok te cheat. Luek blooshed and mical nutteded. Theii falleded askeep nezt 2 eack oder. Amen