Time to Go.

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I ran to my dresser grab my Phone that I was running downstairs I had to slip on my shoe but my mom kept Rushing me.
Mom~You're Tía (Aunt) Rosa is waiting for you.
Me~Mom I still have to go to the plane
Mom~I know but still,Now hurry up the cab is outside.
I gave my mom a kiss on the cheek and I told her to tell My dad I said Bye than I left I got into the Car we were ahead Off When a few minutes pass I got to the Airport I was Walking around to Find a plane to California it was all the way in the end I was rushing I gave them my ticket I was looking for a sit.I sat down and slept all the way of the Plane Ride somebody was poking my shoulder I look to see who it was it was a little boy.
Boy~Sorry to bother You but we're Here.
Me~Thank you so Much.
I got up grab all my things there was a whole line to get off the plane I just Sat down so the line can shorten when 2 minutes pass I got up...I got out of the plane looking around I Bump into some Guy.
Me~I'm so Sorry.
He was dress all Black the only thing that shows his Chin and lips he was just staring at me little mad.
Me~Huh do you know how to get to the exit?
He gave me a mad glare and Took off
Me~Huh thanks??
I just kept walking around to find the Exit I Finally found it I called the taxi headed to my Tía's house I was looking out of the Window I saw the same Guy with 4 more guys they look at the cab turn around started talking again.I just ignore it just getting happy that I'm going to see my family again because it's been years,I hope it's not weird though.I was on Instagram I got a request name Jason_McCann.1994. I was confused I didn't know if I wanted to follow back or anything I went on his picture it was just Black and Quotes..I just turn off my phone Few minutes pass I got Two more requests I look at the names .Khalil. The other one Justin.Bieber I look at their Pictures again but the thing is it looks like the same person profile From earlier I was picking up my eyebrow an biting my lip (When I do that means I'm nervous) I didn't know why I was nervous I accept all of there Request out of nowhere I got three Dm's from Them my eyes Grew big my heart was pounding because have you ever felt that something is Wrong but you just feel like you're overreacting Yeah that's how I'm feeling. I didn't answer I just put ignore but they Dm me again I just ignore it once again honestly ever since I got to California Weird shit been happening also I'm on my Own so that's Even worst. I'm 18 I need to learn to take care of myself because I'm not going to have my Parents by my side Forever I look at my phone I was getting a Call from my mom.
Mom~How is everything going so far?
Me~It's going really Good.
Mom~Did you get there yet?
Me~No not yet just need 9 more miles.
Mom~Okay call me when you're there so I could make Sure you're okay because I seriously don't trust you on your own.
Me~Had a figure.
Mom~Hey your lucky I let you go so be grateful.
Me~Yup bye mom love you
Mom~Love you too DONT BE BAD!
I hung up,I put down my Window I put my hand out enjoying the Breeze and view I saw the Hollywood sign I took a Picture when 25 minutes pass honestly we got there Fast. I step out of the car I saw my Cuzin Jackson sitting down on the grass on his Phone he pick up his head saw me gave me a Huge smile.
Jackson~It's been years you grew up a lot.
Me~Right,You haven't seen me since I was 4 years old
Jackson~I know you were fat when you were Younger but now you're skinny
Me~Thanks fucker
Jackson~Hey don't Cuss at me Bitch I'm older so respect an adult
Me~I'm technically an Adult too
Jackson~Noo you're still a baby to be an adult like me you need to be 21.
Me~You're just 4 years older than you but yet you're an Adult you still living with your mommy and daddy
Jackson~So are you
Me~Remember I'm an baby still so I have excuses why I'm still living with my parents..You don't
Jackson~Fuck off,Get your ass in the house.
I was laughing walking into the house I saw two of my Cuzins that I haven't seen before they look younger so I could understand that I saw my Tia rose Walking giving me a Hug.
Rosa~How you been!
Me~I been Great thanks for asking,How about you?
Rosa~I been Great too but you're Pain in a ass Cuzin Jackson won't get his own place
Rosa~I been telling you to get your own place when you hit 18 but noooooo
Jackson~I'm going outside
Me~You still ask permission
Jackson~Natalie shut up
Jackson~Ugh I'm sorry asshole
Rosa~Olivia and Mia come here!
Mia~Yeah Mamà?
Rosa~This is you're cousin from Florida her name Is Natalie Cruz
Mia~Nice to Meet you
Olivia~Hi how old are you?
Me~I'm 18,How about both of you?
Olivia~I'm 13
Mia~I'm 14
Me~Damn that's how long I was gone,Do you girls want to hang sometime?
I saw my Other Cuzin Caden and My Tio Jack coming from the backyard.
I walk up to my Tio gave him a hug
Caden~What's up
Me~Do you still have that Girlfriend of yours
Caden~Nope dump her along time ago because she Cheated on me
Me~I told you
Caden~I know,I know.
Me~So do you go to college yet?
Caden~Yeah I do,You? (he's 19)
Me~Not yet,About to remember its summer Break for me.
Jack~Do you have a Boyfriend Natalie?
Jack~Good because I wanted to Know who he is,What's he's Address,Security number,Phone Number,--
Me~I know,My dad and Other Tíos Kept saying that
Jack~Because we want you Safe
Me~I know how to take care of myself
Jack~Okay big girl.
I look at the time it was 8:36pm I was Tired.
Me~Where can I sleep?
Rosa~In Mia and Olivia's Room it's the First door at the Hall.
I started to walk towards the hall I was knocking on their Door they Open it pulled me In.

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