Love Trumps Hate: A Samurai Love Story

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It was a normal day and Mentor Ji after several hours of non-stop complaining, allowed the Ranger to enjoy the nice summer weather with a day off. The girls wanted to walk around the mall, not leaving Antonio and Jayden much of a choice but to go and carry their bags. Leaving Mike and Kevin to their own devices. Mike had to basically beg Kevin to go out with him. They walked to the park, hand in hand, and moved to sit by a tree, as far away from people as possible, and laced their fingers together as they sat and people watched.

"This is nice," Kevin whispered softly.

"Yeah," their fingers tightened slightly.

Mike slightly nuzzled his nose against Kevin's cheek causing as a small chuckle escaped their lips. Kevin moved his head so Mike was leaning on his shoulder. Their blissful silence was shattered but their samuraizers going off. Kevin quickly answered his quickly while Mike sat up.

"Nighlok attack near the chapel. Come on," they got up quickly and ran to the chapel.

The ran through the alley and morphed quickly into Ranger from, they leaped into action, striking down several nighlok in their path. The rest of the Rangers fought off the nighlok, only to have them go straight to Mike and Kevin.

"What the?" Jayden said in pure confusion.

"Why are they going for Mike and Kev?" Antonio asked.

"We need to help them out," Mia charged the nighlok to distract them.

One of them was able to grab Mike's leg and started to drag him back to the Sanzu River.

"Get off of me! Let me go you bug-eyed freak!" Mike raised his sword to cut the arm off only to have it tied by a tentacle.

"Mike! Kevin cut the tentacle off him and Emily helped him on his feet.

"¿Estás bien bebé?" (Are you alright baby?) Kevin asked.

"Estoy bien," (I'm good) he groaned softly as he got back on his feet, sword in hand.

"Kevin is their some unique power both you and Kevin have. The nighlok must be attractive to you for some reason," Jayden explained.

"Nothing my father told me about?"

"Same with my dad. It was always the Red Ranger with the coolest abilities and toys."

"Until we figure this out, protect the Blue and Green Ranger."

"We need to get out of here for a bit. Lay low until the nighlok dries out. It'll give us time to figure out what they want."

"Right, Jayden, hold tight until then," Kevin explained while he and Mike started to file back.

"Alright, Don't go to the Shiba house, we will come and find you. Call Mentor Ji and try to figure out what is going on."

"Right!" they struck down four nighlok before running off to look for shelter.

They started to follow them only to be stopped by a large boulder, compliments to Emily.

"Time to rock n' roll," she snapped her fingers, cueing the rock to roll down the road, knocking them down like bowling pins.

Mike and Kevin powered down, minus their swords, and made their way through alleys until they reached an old warehouse.

"I think we are good here, for now anyway. Are you sure you are okay Mike?" Kevin went to check Mike's arms and legs for any cuts.

"I'm fine Kev. We need to be careful speaking in Spanish since Antonio speaks it."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2017 ⏰

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