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All fun and games......untill someone gets hurt.

A Liam Payne short story

"come on it will be fun!" liam said as he Latched his hand around my wrist trying to drag me out of my room.

"No, no no, liam i dont want to go, its gonna be like every other stupid party you make me go to! Your gonna get drunk off your ass and start hitting on every girl there and im gonna leave pissed off then the next morning your gonna act like evrything is"ok" when its not! Im not going I refuse!"

"I promise love i wont get drunk!"

i scoffed ,Love, evrytime he calls me that my heart melts and i cant resist falling for his tricks but not this time! " YOU SAY THAT EVERY TIME WE GO OUT!!!!" I yelled

"please on last chance, If anything happens we will never go out again, ok?"

"fine,but i want that in writing" I gigled! I know I know but his puppy dog eyes get me everytime! I just cant help it!

"Sweet! Pick you up at seven?" Liam asked

"sounds good" i said fake happily sure im excited to go out and party with my tottally hot boy friend liam payne senior hottie that every girl wants to "get with" but some times all the girls made me feel insicure and upset with my self so i didnt really care so much to go to partties with alchol with, becasue then liam could pull the i was drunk card it didnt mean anything.But i didnt want to loose him he was the only one who would make me feel special about my slef! i know its rediculos but true.

*Three hours later*

Im almost ready im whereing a medium length black dress with a blue lace top, and My black converse, im not one to usually dress up but i decided it was time for a change a new me, i was going to be starting my senior year of high school after all and i wanted to people to remeber me for the whole year. And this party was gonna be the begining of it all.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2013 ⏰

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