A broken heart and a worn bandage

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A caring heart, so dedicated to holding the universe on its shoulders as it begins to crumble and crack, under the burden of one too many "I'll do it for you"'s as the universe grew too heavy for the caring heart. Turning it's head from the demons reaching around to rip it's chin back and stare into its soul. A caring heart starts to struggle. Only when it's met by a bandage, wrapping itself around the broken heart. Bandaging the wounds, healing the cracks. Welcoming the scars.. for scars are not unnatural, they are shown from signs of struggle and signs of when help would be welcomed. And although the bandage had no scars to show.. they were there... so the broken heart being held together by a worn out bandage managed to keep their universe above like a well captained pirate ship in a tropical storm.. even when it seemed as if the very forces of nature tried separating the pirate from his dear ship. They sailed to the eye of the storm and admired the chaos around them as the calmness settled.. just because a heart is broken, or a bandage is worn. Doesn't mean it is something to throw away, it's what you give extra love to with a kiss in the night and pulling them tight when they struggle against their dreams. For broken hearts and worn bandages are the ones thatve healed and loved the most, cherished the most, and lost the most.. yet kept going. Don't worry, if you aren't a brand new heart, or a new bandage. It doesn't mean you will be overlooked, it just means that the ones with careful eyes will cherish you and the materialistic ones will overlook you. So don't give up on caring, if you are a broken heart.. don't give up on love.. for like a toy selection at a yard sale the best toys are the ones with the most history because they have the best stories to tell. And if you are a worn out bandage, don't worry. There's a broken heart that needs you, who is fighting a war and has run through all their bandages available. So dont worry, they'll find you. For its the soldiers who've fought the hardest and longest that will be most great full for a worn out bandage.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2016 ⏰

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