Chapter 1: Jai

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Hello I'm Jai, yes I have a weird name but back to my story. I live in a small town near Sydney, Australia. I have many friends that support and care about me and everything I do. I also have a crush on this girl but anyway, I'm just a normal teenage boy that just wants to live a normal life. People call me the normal kid or a weirdo because of my name, I'm very artistic and I love to learn new things! Now enough about my life story and onto the real story, shall we?

Monday, 7:00 am

I feel a cold breeze rushing down my body, I snuggle myself in blankets tighter making me warm again then my alarm goes off. I slowly reach over to my phone and press the snooze button, then my little sister, Opel, comes running in yelling and shaking me.
"Wake up, sleepy head! It's time to get ready for school!" Opel yells ripping the sheets off my bed.
"Okay, okay, I'm up" I said rubbing my eyes.
"Why are you so excited for school? You hate school" I sat up on my bed looking at Opel.
"Because this is the first day of the last week! And plus I have a performance on today!" She yells at the top of her lungs. I get out of bed and push Opel out of my room.
"Okay, I need to get ready for school don't I" I asked Opel.
"Yep! Oh and breakfast is ready so come down and eat when your done!" She smirks and closes the door.
I smile and walk to my closet and pull out my red and blue shirt and my gray jeans, they might be dirty but who cares. I take off my P. J's then throw on my shirt and jeans, I slid my door across the other side to reveal my jackets. I take one and shove it in my bag next to my bedroom door. I open the bedroom door and walk down stairs into the Kitchen. Mum, Dad and Opel were all having breakfast, but dad just finished because he had to go to work very soon. I sit down and smile.
"Have a good sleep?" Asked Mum.
"Yeah!" I say as I shove food in my mouth, we had pancakes and dad made them, I knew because dad always puts a bit of sugar in the pancakes.
"Oh well, that's good!" Mum smiled, she got up and grabbed her dish then put it in the sink. Opel was almost finished too, I love dads pancakes! They just taste amazing, like heaven on earth, like Dad always says.
"Well kids I gotta get to work, see ya after school" Dad smiled as he kissed Opel on the forehead.
"See ya, dad!" I wave at him good bye.
"Bye!" Says Opel with her mouth full of food.
"Okay, Opel I packed your bag and it has your lunch, your costume and a jacket just in case it gets to cold." Mum said to Opel.
"Thanks, Mum!" Opel hugs mum tight.
I go upstairs and check my bag. Money, check. Jacket, check. Recess, check. Books, check. I got everything! Good! Now I just got to grab my phone and my charger and I'm all right!

{Thank you so much for reading chapter 1 of Broken Time! Next chapter will be way more interesting! I promise you. But yeah this is my new book that I was talking about and I hope you will like it! Any way until next time, see ya my little kitty cats! :3}

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