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THE LOVERS MET ON HER TWENTY-SIXTH BIRTHDAY. It was December eighth. Riley Matthews still had no idea how he been invited to her party in the first place, but, then again, she didn't know half of the people there. Obviously, Riley knew her four best friends there: Lucas and Maya Friar, and Zay and Isadora Babineuax.

Riley's parents had been pushing for Riley to get married. All of her friends had settled down in their early twenties, and had already started their families. Or, at least, Maya and Lucas had. Riley was happy for them — she really was — but all of them had found their other halves quicker than Riley thought they would. She had not been that lucky.

Riley had dated, of course, but she could never see herself settling down with any of them. She had dated semi-creepy gentlemen like Charlie Gardener to her own best friend Lucas Friar. But Riley just hadn't been sold on either.

So, in a rush, Cory and Topanga Matthews invited nearly half of New York to their eldest child's twenty-sixth birthday. Originally, all Riley wanted it to be was a quiet night spent with her close friends and family, not her parents trying to find her a husband. It felt all too much like Romeo and Juliet to Riley. Not to mention that it wasn't like her parents to push her into anything. Still, Riley didn't argue too much and eventually agreed. She knew her parents just wanted the best for her. Besides, what was the worst that could happen?

Riley first saw him when she had slipped out on the balcony to get some air — or more when he first saw her. She had excused herself from her conversation with Charlie Gardener, who had been trying all too hard to convince her to one more date with him. Riley definitely needed air.

"Is this balcony taken?" Asked a strong voice from behind Riley.

The brunette jumped and looked behind her. She looked up to the dark haired man who had startled her. The first thing Riley recalled noticing about him was his jawline. It was sharp and defined.

The man chuckled,"Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you. But, really, is it okay if I join you?"

Riley regained herself and looked back over at the lights in New York City.

"It's okay."

"A little cold to be up here, don't you think?"

"You're out here, too."

He was right. Riley knew he was right. It was close to zero, yet she couldn't bring herself to go back inside. She wanted a few minutes to herself, even if it meant losing feeling in her fingers.

"I'll give you that, Miss."

A few moments of silence passed before the stranger spoke up again.

"So," He cleared his throat."What do you think of this whole fiasco?"

"Over the top, in my opinion," Riley answered, looking to the man.

"Seems desperate to me, like all she wants is attention."

Riley's facial expression hardened.

"Do you even know who it's for?"

"The Matthews girl. She's my age."

"How do you know it's what she wanted?!" Riley tried to keep her tone down, but she couldn't. She couldn't do it.

The stranger gave her a sideways look.

"You friends with the Matthews girl, or something?"

"I know her quite well, actually," Riley smirked.

"What's she like? My parents talk down about her all the time. They say she doesn't deserve the empire that's being passed down to her. I don't know much about her, but my parents aren't fans of the Matthews."

"Wait a minute..," Riley whispered."You're Farkle Minkus, aren't you?"

"Yes, I am. And you are?" Farkle asked, looking to Riley with a raised eyebrow.

"Riley. Riley Matthews," Riley answered with a confident grin.

She held his hand out for him to shake. His grip was strong, like one of a leader. Riley liked that. (She also liked how attractive he was. The paparazzi's side shots truly didn't do him justice. She had barely recognized him.). But she couldn't trust him. He was a Minkus man, and Minkus men were snakes. Riley knew to take her mother's advice and steer clear of them. So now Riley's guard was higher than ever.

"Why're you here, Minkus? Our parents hate each other. We're rivals in everything."

Farkle grinned.

"I know that. But sometimes I just like to spite my parents. They're here, too. Probably faking it with your parents."

Riley let out a small laugh.

"You're probably right. I'd say we'll end up being the headlines tomorrow. 'MINKUS AND MATTHEWS: FROM RIVALS TO FRIENDS?'."

This, Farkle found quite funny.

"Just wait until the end of the night when the paparazzi are here. They'll shit themselves."

Riley laughed.

"You're not as bad as the media makes you out to be, Minkus," Riley thought aloud.

Farkle half smirked.

"Thanks, Matthews," Farkle turned so he was totally facing Riley. He towered over the woman."Is there more to you than the angel activist?"

Riley turned her body, so she, too, was facing Farkle. She took a step towards him. Riley could feel his warm breath on her face.

"You tell me."

And that was where their story began.

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