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The fog cleared sooner than expected. It wasn't even early in the morning anyway but it usually stayed foggy outside till Taeyong came out of his house and walked all the way to his work place. He took his hands from his pockets comfortably approaching the most well known bakery, 'The Mistledough', in the small town situated just on the outskirts of the big city. The tons of orders that were taken in the span of each week for numerous birthday cakes, anniversary cakes, pastries for get-togethers and all sorts, were kind of surprising considering that the town itself was very small. The amount of customers that visited 'The Mistledough' was an astounding number. Yet the bakery looked as humble as it could look.

Taeyong noticed the traces of flour hung onto the sleeves of his jacket. He quickly dusted them off remembering to clean properly after today's shift. He was hired as one of the helpers about one year ago and he has still hung onto the job. It was extraordinary, for he wasn't really the type to keep doing something if he did not fancy doing it. Yes, Taeyong hated the job. He hated that he had to deal with flour and mixing, making, baking and even the smell of everything mentioned before; but for some reason he never did move on despite his mind saying otherwise a million times over.

Once he reached the bakery with the sign on the door saying 'open' in colorful writing, he walked around the tiny place. He reached the back door and opened it to enter the kitchen.

"You are early today. There's still half an hour till your shift begins," Taeil, a small man who worked at the place from early morning till late night was doing what he usually did; carrying around heaps of dough unnecessarily as if he was trying to prove to himself that he was doing something useful.

"Oh God! Taeil, can you let that be and get behind the counter now?!"

Taeil jumped hearing Johnny, the owner of 'The Mistledough', shout out. Taeyong watched Taeil dump the bowl of dough on him and whisk out of the flappy doors and disappear. He smirked. Taeyong was used to clumsy Taeil, and their witty but caring boss Johnny, who appeared next to Taeyong seconds later and picked up the bowl from him giving a glance across at the flappy doors which were still swinging back and forth.

"Get changed. We've got loads to do. It's getting busier than ever. I already put up a notice for hiring someone. Hopefully someone good will apply for the job. Till then just hang in there, Yong-ah."

Taeyong nodded and moved away to change into something he wouldn't mind getting batter all over. Also, he ignored the fact that Johnny called him 'Yong-ah' despite him expressing that he wasn't very fond of the nickname. But Johnny and Taeil called him that nevertheless. They never listened to him anyway; not that Taeyong talked that much either to argue his way into getting them to call him 'Taeyong' all the way. However, if it wasn't for Johnny being a caring and easy going guy, Taeyong would have already being fired for his rudeness. He usually stayed quiet but the rare times he opened his mouth it was always something not pleasing to the ear.

Taeyong dumped his bag to a side at the corner where the employees' lockers were located. In one go he took off his jacket, unbuttoned his shirt and crushed them into his tiny locker. His upper body was bare. The unseen bruises were being exposed to the world but no one saw them, just like how he had gone through many trials but no one knew them.

He pulled out a dirty white t-shirt and wore it covering his imperfections going back onto looking like an unearthly being. He wasn't as tall as Johnny, who was sky high with long ass legs, but definitely taller than Taeil. His skin glowed like always. His lips were plump and his jawline was awfully prominent giving off a beautiful formation to his face. But most of all, his eyes were what got everyone's attention. They sparkled each time as if he was trying to seduce everyone (except his personality just drove them away, but we've already talked about that issue).

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