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In our life we have rules and we just simply must follow them, it's very simple as that when your the son of the richest company ever. But not in Harry's case, he's life is like a living hell it's like he's family is controlling him. Like do that, don't do that. One of those rules is Harry must not be friends with a particular person because of the business they have they must be close or they'll ruin they're parents reputation.

And that particular person is no other than the blue-eyed, small, brown-haired lad named Louis Tomlinson.

Location: Styles' Residence
Time: September 5, 2000

He and his mum are in Harry's room teaching him what to do or what not to do while he's in his school. He's getting ready for school while his mother is telling him the rules and regulation.

" Okay, Hunny-boo what did I thought you before going to school? " His mother asked with squatting down while grinning at him.

" Never talked a boy named Louis Tomlinson, you said that he has blue eyes and brown hair, I will not be friends with him even though he is being friendly at me." Little Harry said while to his staring to his mother's eyes with fear inside of him.

"Good boy, now let's get going." Anne said while patting Little Harry's head and standing up. She packed his food with sandwich and apple juice and lunchbox with word written 'Harry' all over it.
They went inside their car and went to Harry's school.

Location: On the way to school with Jay and Louis
Time: September 5, 2000

Jay is making sure that Louis is having fun at his school so she's lecturing him what's the do's and don'ts while their at the car.

" Lou, be friendly with everyone and be happy and use your jokes to make people happy like how you make me happy," Jay said while driving to Louis' school.

" Yes, of course mummy." Louis said while looking at his mother driving the car.

"And don't make enemies with anyone, I don't want to make you having trouble at that school. " Jay said.

After a whole 3 minutes they have reached their destination, Louis opened the door and he looked back to kiss his mummy, Jay kissed his forehead after that he walked away and waved his little hands and he can clearly see that his mum is slightly crying. He noticed it, he wanted to go back to her but she went away quickly before he make a move.

"Bye, mummy." He whispers looking at the direction where his mummy left.
'Why was mummy crying?' Louis thought. The question still remains on his mind before school.

He walked inside the room he saw it full of little kids like his age. He went inside with an embarrassment on his, it was hard being friends with people. It was hard to follow his mum's simple orders but he must do it for her. He saw a little boy with a blonde hair he was intrigued at him, he wanted to be friends with him.

" Hi! " Louis smiled but the boy was facing his back so little did Louis know that he was drinking his apple juice, but when he turned around he accidentally squirted his apple juice all over him, The juice got spoiled all over little Louis' shirt.

"Oops!" Little Harry exclaimed looking down at the mess he made.

"S'okay" Louis said while rubbing his stain off

"C'mere let me help you. " Harry said while rubbing his hands against Little Louis shirt. Louis accepted  his offer let him rub the stain off. They were awkward because the first meeting they have
After the rubbing-the-stain-off situation Louis breaks the silence.

"What's your name." He said with full of curiosity.

"My name is Harry Styles, what about yours? " he said with a grin on his face.

"I'm Louis nice meeting you Harry Styles! " he said while shaking his hand.

And that moment little Harry realized his name from his mother 30 minutes ago, he looked at him his mum said the he has brown hair and blue eyes and it turns out that he was right that this him that he should avoid. He didn't like his mother rules at all because Louis seems like a nice lad.

"Louis it was nice meeting you but we rather not talk to each other I'm sorry really, bye." Harry said while walking away.

It started when Harry hated him when they were in 7th grade because he was 'not cool' enough. He thinks that his mother is right for not talking to him, he started to bully him when they were in 10th grade he started to call him names and because of their family problems and his father is gay.

Harry was homophobic he hated gays he started realized it when a guy fell in love with him, he thought that it was disgusting he doesn't like the image of both boys kissing, when every time when somebody came out as gay he would humiliate that particular person until they get out of Harry's sight.

Louis on the other hand was scared because he was confuse of his sexuality, he doesn't to be gay because Harry might do something about it that he might not like. He doesn't like rejection, he realize his gay when his best friend his kissed him accidentally and he liked it, but when he came out to him he left him. He is still broken after that. He doesn't trust anyone anymore because of his sexuality.


I miss making books, this is my first Larry book and i started making it when my classmate starts making story so i thought I should make my own which I thought of being larry. And i'm telling you that i will not update my other books because I lost my faith in that ship because I now ship Larry. Thanks to freddieismyqueen in youtube.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2016 ⏰

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