Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Fatuma Abubaker

31ST December 9:50pm

ARA (Australian Replicate Agency)

 Cell Building


This guy was so arrogant it was actually annoying. How many signs of a struggle did he want to leave? And was that actually half a fingerprint of his on the edge of the door? If you are going to be a crim you can at least make a challenge for the people trying to catch you.

Well, whatever I found the dilapidated warehouse where the guy was keeping a girl named Jessica. I crept up to the old building and caught sight of the back of Jessica’s kidnapper’s head, through the back door. Walking through the door I followed the kidnapper. When I was close enough I grabbed him by the collar and stuffed my used hanky into his mouth. That’s what happens when you choose to be a lowlife criminal. I tried to drag him along but this big baboon of a man was attempting to put up a fight. Just when I was thinking I would have to drug him to keep him quiet a pair of familiar hands showed up on the collar of this guy’s ratty shirt. I looked up and caught the eye of my best friend and fellow agent Caroline. Even though I hadn’t called for back-up she always seemed to know when I needed the extra help.

I launched the Kidnapper inside a cell which was now his cell. I locked him in and turned to put them away. All of a sudden I heard rattling of the cells bars and yells coming from a cell, I ran back to see Bruno’s (Jessica’s Kidnapper) face squashed against the bars

“Shut Up! Or you’re off hot food for a week!” I yelled at him

“They Killed your Father! Now they can get it! And now going after you! Hide Keep under cover Summer Jammers you must stay alive!” He ignored everything I said to him

I was surprised how did he know my father, my father was a loyal, funny, cool, loving, helpful, outgoing, insane dad. He served in War before he died three years ago. I knew he didn’t deserve to die. He fought for people all over the country, but the psycho also knew my name (Summer Jammers). It was really confusing but I didn’t want this sick person to think I was actually listening.

“You’re off hot food for a week and you’re not allowed to get out of this cell for a month!” I snapped

With that I turned on my heels and walked out of the cell room. I walked over to the conference room where I expected my boss to be. The door was not engaged so I went up to it and was about to knock, but I heard people arguing. I slid behind the door hoping I wouldn’t be noticed and cocked my head to the side, my right ear against the door, trying to listen to the conversation.

“If we can just send some of our agents, we can get the 3.5 million dollars from the president”

“Say it a bit louder I think someone from China didn’t hear you!” another person snapped.

I was confused. The boss I knew would never allow this to happen. He is honest, forgiving- except to criminals- and also a close friend of the president.

 “Guys settle down!” Spoke up a third person which I knew to be Mr. Roberts- my boss.

“We need to figure how to get, it out before he gets home – the 17th so you must finish the plan early” he ordered

I gasped, my boss was leading this. I thought he was a great person, I actually thought there was going to be something worth listening to –I guess it was worth the wait. Suddenly the lights flickered the blacked out, I jumped up in surprise making the door swing back and forth making a creaking sound.

“Someone’s there” another person whispered

“Thanks for pointing it out, Mr. Obvious” Someone shot back

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