11(S) The Black Escort

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Heya! I put even more choices in this chapter to pick from! Not gonna spoil everything, but it's possible that you and Sebastian may... do the do ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). Just pick the right options. Have fun!

"Enough, I say!" The both of them simultaneously drew a blank face and looked to you. "I can't believe you just hit him, Grell! What's come over you!?"

"He started it!!" Grell pointed at Sebastian.

"I'm not asking about that!"

Ciel cleared his throat awkwardly. "Sebastian, I think I'll want to get to my meeting a little earlier.."

"What a coincidence, I was thinking about walking myself out." You said. Grell looked away from you to the floor, crossed his arms, and quietly smacked his lips.

"Then please, ___, let my butler escort you there. I can walk two blocks on my own, but crime is something I don't want you to walk into, not to mention all by yourself, too. London is crawling with men that'll go to any measure to get a youthful lady such as yourself." You didn't know about how you felt about that sex addict butler making sure you got home safe, but it's true that sexual harassment was something common these says and you can't just defend yourself using supernatural strength; it'd only cause negative attention to yourself. However, just having a man at your side would prevent that, for the most part. Not to mention he probably won't pull any tricks on you since he's just fulfilling his master's orders. Hesitantly, you thanked the Earl for his consideration.

Sebastian opened the door for you and asked for the address of your house.

"This way, Michaelis." You told him as you started walking your way to your complex. "You don't know my address yet? You've sent the prince to my complex before, haven't you?" You questioned.

"It's true, I do remember your address. I was just making conversation."

"William told me not to make make small talk with demons, sorry. It's nothing personal, it's just business." 

"Are you sure it's nothing personal?" He smirked at you.

"Why does this humor you, I wonder?" You pushed out air from your mouth, annoyed.

"Well, I've toyed around countless women," you rolled your eyes. I bet, you thought. "but with you I feel it's the other way around." He admitted.

You repeated him, but in your own way. "You're saying that I'm playing around with affection; something your kind doesn't know of."

"I know plenty. You're bound pick up a few things over thousands of years." He stated.

"Ridiculous. I'm not interested in you, demon." You scoffed and walked at a faster pace to lengthen the distance between the two of you. There was a strange feeling that overcame each time he would speak to you. You weren't too certain on what this emotion was, but it was certainly strange. He gained a view of your backside from this. He became distracted by your body, even though for only a second, but that was enough for him to fail in warning you about the puddle that a passing carriage would splash on you. You sighed, "And now this.." Your stomach grumbled. "I can't believe I couldn't get a meal because of your petty fight.. At least I'm home now." You looked up to get a view of the building just as you do every time you're in a little disbelief at your new life. The building was still new to you just as everything else was. Tall, but it doesn't seem that it'd be for apartments. More like for office jobs, where the employees do nothing but mindlessly numb their brains over boring files and gray wallpapers. Through silence; occasionally disrupted by the monotonous ring of a phone call.

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