Master Jerk

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Humiliation is a kink that has been steadily growing on me and it will likely show up again in some future works. These two might also be showing up again in the future if I get enough positive feedback. If you like the story, remember to vote and and comment so that others can find it.

Getting out of bed was never a problem for Lemmi, but today the slender lucario was especially eager to wake up. Today, he would be meeting the new owner of the mansion, the great nephew of the late Prof. Willow. He had spent the past few days ensuring the estate was spotless. The young jackal flung the sheets to the side and stood up with a yawn. His back arched and his arms pushed upward as he stretched. After slipping yesterday's briefs down to the floor and tossing them into the hamper, he walked to the bathroom to shower.

The warm water helped ease his aching muscles and clear his mind. The pleasant aroma of the soap and shampoo wafted into his nostrils and soothed him. He was careful to wash himself from head to toe. He wanted to impress his new employer. Lemmi's fingers scrubbed mercilessly at his furred body. The suds covered his sky blue arms and cream colored torso. He took special care of his lower regions; his hands lightly massaged his sac, before moving in between his thighs. His hands then ventured to his backside. His palms rubbing in wide circles around his pert cheeks. A single finger slid between them and rubbed around his sensitive, puckering hole. The entire procedure left him feeling rather sensual. He could feel the heat rising inside of him and his face blushing red. It wasn't long before a growing pink shaft began to poke out of his sheath. However, the jackal knew he was running short on time. There was still coffee to be made, curtains to be hung, and paintings to be straightened before his new employer arrived.

After rinsing himself down, Lemmi applied his normal routine. Cologne on his neck, teeth brushed, and the tufts of fur on his head neatly combed. He stood in front of the mirror for more than just a few seconds to fully admire his own handiwork before returning to his quarters to dress. A white shirt, a pair of black slacks, black socks and shoes, a black vest, and a violet bow tie seemed perfect for the occasion. The canine strolled leisurely back into the hallway, checking his appearance once more in the mirror before starting today's agenda.

He finished each task efficiently and with elegance. The male was proud of his work. For as young as he was, it was surprising how quickly he cleaned and prepared food. At the meager age of 23, he was on the more youthful side of his line of work. However, it was all the more reason for the Lucario to prove himself. What he lacked in experience, he tried to make up for in vigor.

It had only been a few hours since he had woken up when the door bell rang. The chimes reverberating off the china, paintings, and miscellaneous decor hanging around the house. The ferret straightened out his vest and tie as he walked towards the front room. The door opened slowly with a slight creak. The ferret made a mental note, 'Must oil door hinges,' before bringing his attention to the fellow in front of him. A sizable white rabbit dressed in an ordinary t-shirt and ripped jeans stood on his doorstep with a single suit case in hand. The lagomorph's build was an unusual one for his species. He was broad shoulder with a toned stomach and he was a good head taller than the ferret. His legs were noticeably brawny as they were hugged tightly by his blue jeans. His white ears tipped with black were slicked back in a relaxed state. His lips curved into a half smile as he raised two fingers to casually salute the Pokémon.

This was not at all what he was expecting. His former master was a frail yet gallant man, soft-spoken but opinionated. What stood before him was a creature who seemed more fitting of a football scholarship than the inheritance of a multi-million dollar business. It couldn't possibly be Mr. Silva's great nephew. The canine quickly masked his initial surprise with a big smile as he put on his best welcome routine, "Ah, yes! You must be Master Silva. A pleasure to meet you. My name is Lemmi Neka and I will be your humble servant here at this estate," he squeaked in his bright tenor voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2018 ⏰

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