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I could hear my mother screaming at me, hoping I'd wake up, but I couldn't move. I couldn't open my eyes to see her, or open my mouth to speak to her. I was weak and hopeless. There was a stinging in my stomach that had me in a fetal position. I laid there, motionless, surprised to even still be breathing, but I didn't quite feel alive. I felt that I was dreaming. Or I was gradually leaving my body. It just didn't feel like me. It was an odd feeling that scared me. I began to panic and want scream, but I just wouldn't budge. I could feel myself moving frantically about, but I knew I wasn't really moving. All that was seen was my still body laying on the cold bathroom floor.

"Call 911!" My mother yelled out. "Call 911, Jordan!" My mother repeated, louder, hoping my sister Jordan would hurry and call for help.

My body was completely weak, but hoped someone would save me from this terrible mistake I made. My lungs were closing in, making it harder for me to breathe. Everything around me sounded like water in my ears as I panicked. I came to the realization that I was leaving. I was gone from all of my fears. All of the pain and heartache was away from me.

I was finally done.


so yeah, I'm back.

hope you enjoy reading this.

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