Chapter 1: First Impressions

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The young female brought her Pokemon back into its ball and smiled, thanking her opponent for the wonderful battle they had. She continued down Route 5, hoping to find some new Pokemon that can be added to her team. She saw a blob of green up ahead and walked over, seeing her rival standing with someone she has never seen before. 

"Hahaha! Man, I lost again!" Hau grinned with his hands behind his head, his lost not fazing him a bit.

"Are you even taking this seriously?" The mysterious male placed his hands on his waist, his blond hair covering his right eye as he glared at his opponent. 

"I am! So seriously! I'm seriously enjoying it!" 

"...Enjoying it?" The guy looked unimpressed. "You can enjoy Pokemon battling when you put everything you have into it... which you clearly haven't."

The [h/c] haired girl walked over and Hau was the first to notice her. "Whoa! Hey, [Y/n]!"

"Hey Hau, what's going on here?" She blinked in confusion at him.

"This guy is plenty scary!" Hau pointed at the emerald eyed boy who was alarmed when her [e/c] eyes clashed with his.

"You're [Y/n]?" He placed his hand beneath his chin while his piercing gaze never faltered. 

"Yup, that's me in the flesh! Nice to meet you! And you are?" She smiled at him, walking forward and extending out her hand to him. 

"Hmph, not very cautious. Even some Pokemon have a better sense of self-preservation than you apparently do."

She brought her hand down and huffed, "well excuse me for trying to be friendly. I just wanted to be friends with you. Who are you anyway?"

"I'm Gladion, and I don't need to make friends. I battle for my partner, Null, to make it strong. Though most of our time gets used up doing small jobs for Team Skull."

"Why are you working for Team Skull!?" Her eyes held worry in them. "All they do is cause trouble!"

"That is none of your concern." He placed his hands on his hips again. "Battle me, I won't take no for an answer."

"Woah, calm down there dude. My Pokemon are tired and I am not going to battle you," she stood her ground, glaring at the male before her. Hau looked between the two nervously, trying to find a way to break the tension.

"I won't take no for an answer, battle me," he repeated.

She smirked, "make me."

He took out his Pokeball, "go Null!" His Pokemon came out of his ball and she was shocked to what she saw.

".....Null?" Her RotomDex came out and explained it as the Pokemon Type: Null, but there was barely any information about it besides it being a chimeric Pokemon with traits from a variety of animals. She didn't feel like battling, but her curiosity in the unknown Pokemon was tugging at her. She took out her Pokeball, "Torracat, come on out!"

Her prized partner jumped out the ball and growled at the Pokemon before them. "So you're deciding to battle me with your all? You better be more of a challenge then that brat." He referred to Hau, who was pouting in the background.

"Then I'll show you what I can do." She grinned with excitement and felt adrenaline flow through her body. "Go Torracat!"


"Yes! I won!" She jumped up in victory while her Torracat strutted over, wishing to be praised by its master. She crouched down and petted its head who smiled happily with joy. 

"Hmph, it's not like me to slip up like that. I've got to keep fighting stronger opponents. Looks like I'm still not ready..." He looked away in annoyance, looking dissapointed at himself actually. 

"Stronger opponents?" She raised her head in question to his statement.

"That kid over there. His Pokemon aren't weak. And sure, it's fine to enjoy battling..." He glanced over at Hau. "But this brat, he's just using that as an excuse not to try hard because he can't beat the Kahuna. Because he can't beat Hala when he's serious!" 

That would have been a good roast, but Hau kept his smile. "You know my Gramps? Wait, you think I'm strong?" 

"Awww, look at you Little Gladion! Aren't you just a real cool guy? Hehe..." An unknown voice spoke before Gladion could reply back. Two figures approached and she glared at them, Team Skull.

They marched over with their gangster looking selfs, doing their none impressive poses and moving their hands all over the place. "I guess it's no surprise a homeless kid would turn out spineless, too, huh?"

"Hey! Even if he isn't the best guy in the region, you shouldn't talk bad to your allies!" She stood up and furrowed her brows, unknown to her of Gladion's slight shock by her sudden concern.

"Oh now? Aren't you that girl who beat us back then? Don't think we'll forgive you yo!" He began walking over and Torracat stood protectively before her. 

"Just give it up already," Gladion spoke up, causing the Grunt to pause and turn towards him. 


"You know you can't beat me. You'll just get your Pokemon hurt for no reason. They're good Pokemon, their Pokemon are strong."

The other Grunt shrugged, "we came all this way, and for what? For a big fat waste of our time, thanks to you. Let's get out of here." 

She began walking away but the other Grunt stood, "lisen up good, Gladion... The boss does like you. That's true. But you're just some hired help we keep around for when we need you. You aren't part of Team Skull, not really. And you never will be, got it? You better get it." He then marched off, leaving the three in silence.

The young female turned her attention to Gladion, wondering how he was feeling now. "Hey, are you alright?"

"That's not your problem, you don't have to feel sympathetic."

"I'm not feeling sympathetic, just concerned. Thanks for sending those jerks off though."

"I didn't do it for you, they don't need to get their Pokemon hurt for nothing," he turned his back to her.

He was about to walk off but she responded before he could leave, "Hey!"

He didn't turn around, but he stopped. "We may have gotten off at a bad start, but we'll meet again! Just you wait! Even if it's because you want to have a battle, I'll take you on anyday! You hear me!?" 

He paused, baffled by her words. A tiny smirk fell upon his features, thankfully his back turned to the two. "You better be stronger the next time we meet." And with that message, he walked off. 

Hau waved after him and she smiled, "Alola!"

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