sasuke's punishment? (sasunaru)

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This is my first lemon so please no hate ive read many sasunaru lemons so i decided to make my own. Im doing this on my nook so its not gonna be so good sorry :(

It was almost sun down as Sasuke walked through the giant trees of the forest where kakashi makes them do thier training. "NARUTO!" The raven haired boy yelled 'why did kakashi send me to find that brat' sasuke thought to himself as he continued searching for the blonde. Sasuke came to a tree to rest when he heard snoring, he looked up and there he saw a sleeping naruto in the tree "naruto you idiott wake up!" Sasuke screamed causing naruto to fall out of the tree. "Ow~" naruto whined rubbing his head "dammit sasuke whats wrong with you i couldve been killed believe it!" The blonde yelled using the tree as suppprt to get back up. Sasuke smirked moving closer to the blonde boy pinning him against the tree,"naruto thats the 10th time youve fallen asleep during training" sasuke smirked getting closer to narutos face to where they were only inches apart.

Naruto tried to back away from sasuke the best he could "so, what do you care!" Naruto yelled making the ravens ears hurt a little, "you do realise what kakashi's punishment is dont you, you whont be able to eat or maybe sleep for weeks" sasuke smirked at the thought going through his mind "or i could give you a punishment myself and this will all stay between us" sasuke smirked getting closer to naruto's face. Naruto blushed a bright red as sasuke put his cold lips onto naruto's warm one's. Naruto tried to pull away but sasuke just pinned naruto up against the tree more till his body was fully up against naruto's. Sasuke turned his head to deepen the kiss, naruto moaned with out meaning to causing him to blush harder.

They soon pulled apart for air, naruto put his hands on sasuke's chest "s-sasuke stop here before we get in trouble" naruto blushed, sasuke smirked once again, moving his hand to unzip naruto's orenge jump suit "c'mon dobe, i know you dont care about getting in trouble" sasuke whispered his warm breath lingering on narutos neck causing him to shudder, sasuke now had his hand up naruto's shirt feeling his chest, naruto shuddered as sasuske's cold hand roamed his chest finding his nipple and playing with it, naruto moaned uncousisly. Sasuke grinded his hips against narutos causing there erections to rub together causing naruto to do a throaty moan.

Sasuke fprcibly yanked narutos shirt off and instantly attacked his left nipple whipe his hand toyed with the other one. Sasuke lustfully sucked,licked,and even bit the perky bud eventually doing the same to the other.

Naruto decided he whanted some action as well. Naruto lifted sasuke's shirt up and off his body exposing sasukes pale chest. Sasuke chuckled and smirked "finally decided to cooparate?" "Shuddup!" Naruto growled. Sasuke smashed his lips into naruto's bruising thier lips, narutos hands roamed around sasukes chest causing sasuke to moan. Sasuke growled and pushed naruto to the ground getting ontop of him and straddling the blonde, " i dont like to be dominated naruto-kun", sasuke growled. Naruto shuddered at the danger in sasukes voice.

With one hand sasuke pinned both of narutos hands above his head, with the other free hand sasuke unzipped the rest of the jumpsuit pulling narutos boxers off with it. Sasuke smirked as he stared at narutos erection, naruto jumped at the sudden actions then realized what sasuke was doing "s-stop it d-d-dont fucking stare!" Naruto squirmed trying to get out of sasukes grip. Sasuke grabbed narutos fully erect member causing the blonde to jump a little, and started pumping 'naruto jr'.

"S-sasuke~" naruto moaned, "f-faster" naruto whined. Sasuke slowed down but still pumped hard "uh uh this is a punishment after all naruto-kun". Sasuke stopped pumping causing naruto to whine in disapproval, as much as naruto hated to admit it this felt damn good and he didnt whant it to stop- "AH!" naruto was pulled out of his thoughts when he felt sasuke take the tip of narutos memeber into his mouth.

Sasuke sucked hard on narutos member licking all around the tip, sasuke could feel the blonde shudder underneath him. Sasuke flicked the tip of narutos memeber with his tongue tasting the salty precum that coated it." S-sasuke i need you i-in me now" naruto stuttered. Sasuke licked narutos memeber and looked up at the blonde with lust filled eyes "not yet naru~ then it wouldnt be a punishment" sasuke teased the blonde, although his own erection was completely visable and throbbing to pound the shit out of naruto, but he still didnt whant to hurt his little blonde kitten.

Sasuke whent back to sucking narutos member, humming every now and then making naruto do an erotic moan, the precum leaked more from narutos tip, sasuke knew he was close to cumming. Sasuke placed his hands on naru's hips and began deepthroating him. "S-sasuke!". Just as the blonde got close to cumming sasuke relesed narutos member with a 'pop'. Naruto whined in disproval. Sasuke put three fingers up to the blondes mouth, "suck" he comanded, without hesitation naruto took sasukes fingers in his mouth making sure to coat each one equally in saliva.

Sasuke felt satisfied with narutos work and pulled his fingers from narutos mouth. Sasuke traced his saliva covered fingers around narutos entrance. "A-ah sasuke d-dont ahh!" Sasuke pushed his finger into naruto warmth before he could finish. Sasuke smirked at the face naruto was making it made his semi hard erection grow even hardder. Sasuke thrusted his finger in and out of naruto and then he added another digit and then another.

Sasuke streched naruto out making sure to do it good so his little blonde buety wouldnt have to endur to much pain but this was stil a punishment after all.

Sasuke retracted his fingers from narutos tight ass making naruto whine out of disapproval and flipping naruto on his back he whanted to see narutos face as he pouned into him.

Sasuke started taking off his own tight ass pants realising his member and hissing as the chilly afternoon air blew against it. Naruto watched as sasuke realesed his memeber from his pant,now he was scared. Naruto was after still a virgin and with as much as he knows about sasuke he probably wouldnt walk.sit or stand striaght for months. But at the same time naruto was exited.

Naruto whanted,no, he needed sasuke in him and he needed it now! Naruto continued to watch as sasuke smirked down at the young uzamaki boy. Sasuke put the tip of his hard erection into narutos ass but didnt move. "What the hell sasuke?" Naruto asked whanting to get the pain over with, "beg" sasuke said,naruto blinked "w-what?" Naruto asked dumbfounded. "Hard of hearing uzamaki?" Sasuke smirked naruto got that pissed expresion again vut it soon vanished "i whant you to beg" sasuke said.

Naruto blushed a light pink "p-please" naruto begged quitely, "what was that?" Sasuke said putting his hand to his ear, "please" naruto said louder "please what?" Sasuke smirkeed wider enjoying the fact that he was pissing the fox boy off "DAMMIT UCHIHA! FUCK ME ALREADY I NEED YOUR COCK IN ME NOW!"(#yolo) naruto yelled getting tired of bieng teased.

Sasuke smiled "as you wish". And with that sasuke thrusted harshly into narutos sweet little ass. "Fuck!" Naruto screamed as pain shot through him, tears formed at the edge of narutos eyes witch sasuke sweetly kissed away. "Its okay just relax" sasuke cooed in narutos ear. 'Relax! How bout i shove somthing up your ass and tell you to relax. How about my shoe for starters!!!' Naruto screamed in his head.

Naruto moved his head signeling for sasuke to move, in witch he gladly did. Sasuke started thrust in and aout of naruto. Narutos pain and cryies turned into please and moans of pleasure, "s-sasuke" naruto panted "h-h-harder!" Naruto begged in wich sasuke obeye. thrusting harder. Sasuke thrusted at diffrent angles trying to find narutos prostate until "ahhh!" 'Found it!'. Sasuke abused the spot thrusting harder and deeper into narutos warmth "s-sasuke im c-cumming!!" "S-same here". With one final hard thrust narutp came screaming sasukes name closing his walls around sasuke sending him over the edge,shooting his seed into naruto.

Both boys panted cum covered both sasukes and narutos chest. "That was the best punishment ever" sasuke panted, "yea" naruto agreed

The two boys walked back to the house they where staying at for the trip hand in hand. They let go and walked in first sasuke then naruto. Kakashi looked up and smirked, he knows what whent on but still whanted to hear thier excuse, "so where were you two?" He asked looking more towards naruto. Sasuke put on his normal uchiha look and sighed "i found naruto trainging so i decided to train with him a little". Kakashi smiled at the lie but wasnt going to carry it on.

"Well you guys are just in time sit down and eat". Naruto and sasuke sat down next to each other naruto wincing as he sat, naruto leaned over to whisper in sasukes ear "remember how you made me fall out of that tree? Yea fuck you" he smirked kissing sasukes ear. "Sorry dobe" was the last thing sasuke said before continueing to eat.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2014 ⏰

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