Dream High Be friendly and Be Kind

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      Dream High Be friendly and Be Kind

This story created by JAMES WALTER C. NACARIO jr.

One day one boy from the poor family decide to study hardly because he want to help his family to help for all need. To go high to achieved his own dream because he want to be a good son from his family.And he say "Being Poor are not barrier to achieved your dream" he say that and he target the high job to have a high salary someday.

After the summer. School year is coming so his mother decide to buy some school supply one notebook,one Ball-pen and specially bag. Then his mother say "son always remember that we are always here for you". Let your heart guide you to be a good student.

Then the kid think that

2 days before his son go to school,....

His son saw inside the door and then mother talk his son. "Son"what are you doing here why dint you try to see your new bag, mother say. Then his son say " Ma" do you think if i go to school tomorrow do you think my new classmates are not like a bully because i am from poor family. "Son" i told you before always remember that your classmates is not like that be friendly if your classmates talk to you and if your classmate told you to play with him/her go with the flow don't afraid.

After 2 days...

The mood of morning is good for his mother. Because his son is now ready to go school, because of that, before his son awake the bag and the breakfast of his son are already  so after the preparation he decide to wake up her son....

 "Son" wake up this is the first day of your school.

Then her son are already done for his breakfast so it means it's time to go to school.

Mother say "son" this is the day of your first struggle so son face this first day of your struggle be positive and be kind.

Because of that attitude and his knowledge he graduate.

After 6 years in elementary and 4 years in high school....

Every day he go to school in college he learn about the joy of helping others when he was in elementary and high school. Because one of his classmates had forgotten his snack, so he had nothing to eat during recess. Nobody wanted to share with him because we were all very hungry and it was really his own fault that he would have to go without. That day my mother had pack my favorite treat: a chocolate and peanut butter cup plus sandwich. I wanted it all for myself, but my mother had often told me that i should share,so i broke my chocolate and peanut butter cup and sandwich in half and gave my forgetful classmate one half.

He nearly fell over in surprise. Then he smiled the biggest smile I had ever seen and I suddenly felt the greatest happiness I had ever felt. After that, he always looked for chance to help other people,because it always made them and me feel good. And every time he help he remember her mother that he always told them to be a good friendly and always be kind. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2017 ⏰

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