∞ 45//50 Things About Me Tag ∞

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I know this Chapter is not about a tutorial or anything like that. But, I thought it would be fun to do one of these.

I will, however, post a normal Chapter like always pretty soon. So, please bare with me lmao.

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR OVER 3k READS. I am literally speechless.


1) My name is Belén.

2) I am Argentinian.

3) My favorite color is pink.

4) If I could live anywhere in this world, I would choose Miami.

5) When I grow up, I want to be an Author.

6) I love photography.

7) I started learning Sign Language after watching a couple movies with people that acted as deaf. When I saw 'Hush' that's what pushed me completely into wanting to learn for real. I found fascinating how you can still communicate with someone that unfortunately can't hear you.

8) The first Fanfiction I published here on Wattpad, was a Justin Bieber Fanfic—which later on I deleted.

9) My favorite flavor is Chocolate.

10) My favorite animal is the Dolphin.

11) I absolutely LOVE horror movies.

12) I am a Hopeless Romantic.

13) I love to read.

14) I am a Scorpio!

15) If I had to choose between a beach and snow, it would be the beach.

16) My favorite season is SUMMER!

17) Favorite food...P-I-Z-Z-A.

18) My favorite books are Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover and My Wattpad Love by Ariana Godoy.

19) I love hugs!

20) My nickname among my friends is Little Cupcake, some they think I'm too sweet, petite, cute, and adorable. Lol go figure.

21) My Celebrity Crush is Colin Ford. I've been in love with him since We Bought a Zoo.

22) My favorite Disney Show from when I was little was Hannah Montana.

23) I love editing pictures or making Book Covers.

24) I'm always nervous to hit publish to a new book.

25) If I had to choose a favorite book from the ones I published already, I would say It's Your Baby.

26) I love singing!

27) The first song I ever learned in Sign Language was Fight Song—PSE version. (Thank you TheDailySign)

28) I listen to music when I write my stories.

29) Female Celebrity Crush would be...Selena Gomez and Miley Cyrus.

30) Favorite Wattpad Authors: ginawriter and cold_lady19 .

31) I hate fake people.

32) One of the main things I look for in a guy is someone that wants me for me and would never try to change me. Someone that can accept me in the good and bad times.

33) The first thing I notice in a guy are his eyes.

34) I write in English because I want to expand my vocabulary. I will, however, publish some books in Spanish, but I like writing and reading in English.

35) I've been wanting to be a writer since fourth grade.

36) I am crier and get too emotional if the movie is too sad.

37) I believe in love at first sight.

38) I am way too clumsy.

39) My worse fear is to be alone in life...Or drown—that must be so awful and frightening.

40) I have way too many drafts in my drafts section here on Wattpad. But, I only have too many because I do many Covers for stories that later on I never work on lol.

41) I almost never wear make up—only for special occasions. I am one of those people that believe in the phrase: "The best make up a girl can use...Is her smile"

42) I tend to be a little too naïve. Woops!

43) I am way cooler online than in real life.

44) I love watching fireworks.

45) My favorite Holiday is Christmas.

46) I am a great listener.

47) I am REALLY SHY. Specially around boys.

48) My favorite songs at the moment are Memories by Shawn Mendes and DNA by Lia Marie Johnson.

49) My favorite YouTubers are: iiSuperwomanii, MyLifeAsEva, TheDailySign, Danisnotonfire, theAmazingPhil, elrubiusomg, and DalasReview.

50) I can't believe we reached 50!

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