High School Lust pt 1

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High school is where you do all stupid sh*ts and would still survive the torture of it. There are fun, hanging out, bullies, queen bees, popular kids, and of course, LUST.

Tris had just transfered to a new school. His parents are always away on a business trip and he's always alone. He might look like a typical high school kid with high IQ and a rich kid but deep down, he's lonely. He does not have many friends and he's an only child. He wants to have a new and better life so he's looking forward to his first day of school.

Monday came, he got ready for school. He packed his things and went to wait for the school bus to arrive. When the bus arrived, he went in and took a rather uncomfortable ride to school. When they arrived at school, he was nervous. He doesn't know anybody in the school. He looked arround and saw a guy. At first glance the guy is like any normal kid. But then he saw what the guy did to the younger students. 'He's a bully. Better to stay away from him' he thought. The bell rang and he went to look for his room. He finally found it after a minute or two. He went inside and greeted the teacher.

Tris POV

" Oh looks like we have a new student. Please stand up and introduce yourself to the class." The teacher said.
" My name is Tris."
" Tell us something about yourself. Why did you transfer here? What school are you from? And share facts about you" the teacher said.
" I'm from STHS. I transfered here because my parents wanted me to learn in a different school."
" What does STHS stand for?
" Science and Technology High School."
" Oh i see. You may sit down."

With that i sat down and just stared off into space.
" Mister Jy! You are late." the teacher yelled.
" Sorry ma'am" a guy answered.

I just shrugged it off and continued to stare off into space. I didn't realize that someone sat beside me until the person poked me. I looked at the person and saw that it was the guy from before. The guy who bullied the younger student. I gulped and just looked at him.
" What's your name?" he asked.
" Uhm... My name is T-tris." i said
" Cool name. I'm Jy by the way. Nice to meet you."
" Nice to m-meet you too."
" You don't have to be shy." he said and he flushed a rather sexy smile.
" Uhh okay" i said while blushing like an idiot. Why am i like this? This is technically the first time i have been like this. Uhh nevermind. Just focus on the front and ignore him. The day went by like a flash of wind. I was about to go hime when i heard Jy yelling my name. I turned around and saw him running coming to me.
" Hey wanna hang out?" he asked.
" Uhh no thankz. I got to go home."
" Aww that sucks. I just thought maybe we could get to know each other better" he said in a disappointed tone. I felt bad so i just did what i had to do.
" Uhm you know what, i don't have anything to do at home so okay i'll hang out with you. But aren't you suppose to be hanging with your friends?" i said.
" Wow realy? You would actually hang out with me? And as for my friends well they have a date so i don't want to interupt them." he said in a happy tone like a kid who got ice cream after begging for it.
" Oh i see. Well then, where should we go?"
" Let's go to my place. I have something special planned." he said in a seductive tone. God he's so hot. I didn't realize that i was blushing until he said...
" Ooh you are quite cute when you're blushing" i shook my head and looked down because of embarassment. God CUTE?!! What is he gay? Uhh nevermind that. But if he's a homo then maybe i could flirt with him. WHAT THE F**K AM I THINKING?!! okay that's enough.
" Come on let's go. My car is right over there." he said.
" Uhh yeah okay." i said snapping out of my thoughts. I am realy angry at myself. Uhh why why why?!! Well whatever. I'll take my chance this time to seduce him. Wait what?? What the hell.. I'm becoming a fucking pervert. We got in his car and he started the engine and we went off.
About 30 minutes or so...
" Here we are. Welcome to my convo." He said.
" Wow it's huge."
" Well not as huge as my sword (if you know what i mean)"
" Uhh well it's very nice." i said holding my blush.
" You never been to a huge house before?"
" Uhm well i have my own mansion. But i only live alone."
" Where are your parents?"
" Well they are mostly away for a business trip so i'm always alone."
" Huh. Well may i ask you something?"
" What?"
" Can i maybe move in with you then? My parents are always arguing and they never give me any attention. I just want to be with someone who will most likely understand me." he said sadly. I was speechless. I never thought that this guy has been in so much trouble and neglect.
" Sure. You can move in." i said.
" Realy?" his face brightened up.
" Yes really." i said smiling.
" Thankyou so much. I owe you. Well is it okay to move in now? Cause i got all packed already." Wow that was fast.
" Yeah sure. Come on." He got his stuff and we got to his car. I lead him the direction and after 30 minutes we arrived. We stepped out of his car and...

(Cliff hanger😊... Part two will be updated soon i promise)
~AwesomePotato~ 😎😎😎

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