A New Friend - Chapter 1

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[Hey Guys, This is my first story and I hope you enjoy. I love writing and allways have and I want to share it with you guys (p.s I'm going to warn you i am a cheesey person so there will be cheesy moments.) I havent quite gotten to grips with this website yet so if I do something wrong please tell me, this is a very confusing site. (well to me it is anyway) And just going to say sorry about my spelling something i have never picked up- Thanks and hope you enjoy] - Alfie xx

(Niall's POV)

As we pull into the garage I groan. Its not that i dont want to stay with my grandparents, I do I love my grandmother to bits, and my grandfather allways comes up with the funniest of stories. But their house, their village, their neigbourhood its all so scary, dark, and just weird in ways i can't describe.

I have allso see some odd looking people walking around, people who wear nothing but black and just disapear. Like they will be there one minute and gone the next. Like.......umm.......A Vampire. "Niall? Sweetheart are you ok?" I heard my gran in the distance well se was like a mitre away but it sounded like miles "He's dreaming again"

"NIALL! Your Grandmother Is Talking To You" My mother yells. My Life at home isn't exactly great either my parents are to busy with work to care about me, the maids are more of a family than they will ever be. School isn't much better I'm the school nerd, I get betten up allmost everyday, then I will go home to a non-loving family and to make things even better my EX-boyfriend is trying to get me back after he cheeted on my 3 TIMES. I still can belive i gave him a second and third chance, I'm so stupid for trusting him.

"NIALL!!" My mum shouts for the second time. "WHAT!" I tried to immatate her but she only got more annoyed "Get out of the car, NOW" I new that was a bad idea, Now I'm grounded Yay (I'm being sarcastic)

(Zayn's POV)

"Come on Zayn, Its a full moon get tonight cheer up" Liam shouts from across the room. Urgg I hate being a vampire there are so many traditions.......hold on did he say its a full moon, The eigth full moon of the year (or as humans would say August) That blond kid is coming back. I think his name is Niall. Niall Horan. He's Irish, He has a sexy accent, I-I mean cool accent.

"Zayn, Niall's a nice kid 'n' all but your a vampire, His grandfather is a vampire hunter it'll never happen" Harry said, acting like it was normal to read someone thoughts. "And stop saying he has a sexy accent mine is better" Louis says sassily, as he would say


 "Zayn we all know you love being a vampire, stop denying it" Urggg I hate that you guys can reed my thoughts, I regret finding you guys, if I never found you I wouldn't have ever had to become one of you, Louis I wish I had never trusted you, if I didn't follow you that day i would be with him now.

"Just dont go spying on him this time yeah" Liam says - last time i went looking for him his grandfather nearly cought me - I kinda just had to dissapear - O-M-G I have an idea - I won't go to him he will come to me...geni....."and how are you planning on this happening" Harry say interupting my thoughts "Let me plan Harry he will come to me, I know he will"  "Great he is being obsessive again"

(Niall's POV)

I have been here for 3 weeks now and i keep feeling like I'm being watched. Like every time i turn around something moves in the distance, AND many nights i have woken up from a dream, the same dream, wanting to go after a strange raven haired boy that scurries through the back yard. I want to go after him but I'm afrade, afrade of what might happen if I follow him.

I'm going to follow him, Tonight if i have the dream again, I will follow him. The dream is trying to tell me something. I'm scared, of the dream Terrified.

~That Night~

I'm awake and walking through the woods outside my grandparents house. Its dark and scary and....WHAT WAS THAT. I turn around and am greeted with two beautiful brown eyes. The eyes of the raven haired boy, He is truly beautiful, He is about to say something......

Just as he opens his mouth I wake up. I look into the garden to see HIM scurrying off. I'm going to follow him. I am I am I am. I get up out of bed and put on some grey jogging bottoms, a T-shirt and a hoody, Grab my high tops and run. Through the house the garden the woods, I eventually stop all i can see is trees nothing is moving. Wait what was that, the boy. I turn around and come face to face with him. Like in the dream, I can feel his hot breath on my lips, His body against mine, this cant be real. I reach out to touch him, He is real, I pinch myself I'm awake.

Just as he goes to say something I'm grabbed from behind. Two larger boys are holding me covering my mouth stopping me getting away. "Niall they are going to realise you, but you have to promice me you won't run or scream, Okay?" the boy i followed tells me this, I nod confused look on my face, How do they know my name? Why did they bring me out here? Whats going on?

I am slowly realised and I just stand there afrade of what might happen if I run. "Niall? Niall Horan?" I nod, they know my name.  "Okay you must be abit shaken up why dont we get him inside boys" The other 3 lads frown and nod, Where are they taking me now?

I am brought to a big House sorta thing. It looks like nobody has lived in it for a few 100 years. It is covered in moss and vines.They take me inside and tie me to a chair in the middle of what looks like a dining hall. This is terrifing.            

 "Hello Niall" I look up to see the boy that brought me out here. I am so scared right now.  

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