What Happened At The Park

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A/N: this is my first story and not exactly sure of the plot so please comment if you have any ideas!



Kaylie came home from school after she had been given an enormous amount of home work, to do over spring break.

'Oh why does this always happen to me. I mean is spring break not meant to be a break from school?' she thought. Just then she heard a knock on her door and in came her best friend Lisa.

'Thank goodness for best friends!' Kaylie and Lisa had been best friends from since kindergarten. They always did everything together, there mom's had always thought if they had the same parents they would be twins since they did everything together.

"Wanna go to the park asked?" asked Lisa. Kaylie was only just able to stop herself from shouting out 'THANK YOU!' But she kept herself under control and replied with a calm "Sure."

When they got to the park it was deserted, no pesky little kids hogging the swings. Kaylie and Lisa walked over to the swings, there favourite place in the whole park.

"Hey Kaylie do you have a weird feeling that some one is watching us?" Asked Lisa 

"1, 2,3," they counted and turned around, expecting to turn around and see Lisa's very annoying little brother Stephen. But the man they saw standing behind them though was definitely not Stephen.

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