Love Me (Mavin Oneshot)

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Another day was coming to an end in the Achievement Hunter office, the only difference was today was Friday. They had finished recording all the videos they needed for the next week quite early, leaving them to do whatever.

Geoff, took the rest of the day off to go home and spend time with Griffon and Mille once she got home from school.

Jack and Ryan kept busy by facing each other in trials for a few hours, then also went home once they got bored.

Which left only Ray, who played GTA IV silently by himself. Then Michael and Gavin who were playing Minecraft together, being obnoxiously loud.Even though Michael is known for his temper, hell he's Michael "Rage Quit" Jones for god sake's, today it seemed that his temper was worse than usual. But no one dared to question it, per usual. 

"GOD DAMN IT GAVIN YOU STUPID FUCK!! YOU BURNED DOWN MY FUCKING HOUSE THAT I JUST FUCKING FINISHED BUILDING!" Michael roared with rage as he watched his pixelated house burn in flames. Gavin on the other hand could barely contain himself from having a giggle fit.

"Well guys I'm gonna head home, I'll see you guys Monday. Oh and try not to kill Gavin, Michael"

"Bye X-Ray!"

"Yeah whatever" Michael mumbled.

The office then grew silent, until Michael looked back at his screen to see he was killed, with only one person to be blamed. Michael's faced turned red as a tomato as he slammed his controller down and turn to Gavin.

"You're really fucking annoying, you know that?" Michael's voice was calm, but angry.

Gavin let out a giggle before popping the question not only him, but everyone in the Achievement Hunter office been oh-so tempted to as since Michael walked into the office this morning.

"Mi-cool, why are you so angry today?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about Gavin." Michael said as he turned back to his computer, trying to avoid the subject.

"You've been very angry all day and everyone could feel the tension every time you entered the room."

"Why do you care? It's none of your god damn business anyways."

"You're my boi, I don't like seeing my boi like this."

Michael immediately felt calmer when Gavin called him "His Boi".

The sentence Michael mumbled was barely even heard but by the few words Gavin made out, he knew exactly what he was angry about.

"You're mad at me?"

"Not you, the prick who seemed to catch your attention."

"Mi-cool, what are you trying to say?"

"I'M TRYING TO SAY I'M FUCKING PISSED ABOUT HOW THAT GUY JUST STRUT OVER TO YOU AND IT WAS LIKE YOU FELL RIGHT INTO HIS ARMS! I'M TRYING TO SAY THAT I'M MAD THAT... it wasn't me on that date with you last night." The last part was barely a whisper, luckily Gavin heard everything he said.

"God you just make me so god damn angry, but at the same time you're the one who brightens my day. I want to strangle you, but at the same time I want to tackle you to the ground and kiss you like there's no tomorrow" It felt so good to finally open up about his feelings, Michael had kept them bottled up inside of him for so long now, it felt as if they could have busted out at any given moment. Thankfully it was when the office was empty besides Gavin and himself.

At this point, Michael had his British boi up against the door with no space between them. Gavin could feel the warm breath on his cheek every time Michael exhaled.

Gavin licked his lips and whispered, "What do you want me to do, Mi-cool?"

Michael nervously sighed before looked into Gavin's eyes and said "I want you... To love me."

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