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Choi Junhong was just your typical just out of high school teenager looking for any and every job he could to make enough money for college. His interests included dancing, rapping, tutoring, and photography but lately he seems to get the odd jobs of being a janitor or cleaning up construction sites.

He was getting pretty impatient and disappointed when it was already July and he hadn't had a single client answer his ads for photo shoots, dance classes, or rapping sessions. Yeah he was inexperienced, but how else was he suppose to get the experience if no one wanted him?

However, his luck seemed to change when he received a phone call July 8th at 6 o'clock in the morning. He was still in sleep mode, but he tried to shake the tiredness from his eyes.

"Hello, is this Choi Junhong?" A partially deep voice was heard on the other side.

"Neh, this is he. May I ask who is calling me this early in the morning?" Junhong tried not to sound sassy or groan in annoyance at the time, instead being very professional. As professional as a sleepy 19 year old could be.

"Hi. Sorry about the time, but this is the only time we had available to call you. We are a very busy company. My name is Kim Himchan and we saw your ad and-" The male stopped talking, but Junhong could hear another voice on the other end though he couldn't make out any of the words being said.


"Oh yes, sorry. We'd like to demand your services on Sunday July 10th at.... Four o' clock. Does that seem to fit into your schedule?" Junhong tried to think of anything else going on that day, but his brain wasn't fully active to come up with anything.

"That sounds alright. May I ask which ad you are answering and where to meet you?" Junhong had too many ads to know which one the other wanted.

"Oh? Are you providing other services? Well, we'd like to demand the photo shoot and we'll meet at 'Coffee With Yoo.' Be there on time please; We don't like to be kept waiting." And with that, the other line went dead and Junhong slumped back into his bed. He closed his eyes and thought about the phone call, opening his eyes wide and sitting up when he realized what just happened.

"I got a job!" He cheered, shaking his fist into the air and shaking his head side to side. After that, it was hard for the other to fall back asleep. He was just too damn excited for the opportunity to finally use his photography equipment and get some real experience. He laid back down and closed his eyes, trying to at least get another hour of sleep. Just as he was a second away from drifting off, his brain reminded him he had to work from 12 to 8 that Sunday.


"I already work on Sunday." "I have other plans, sorry." "I'd rather not." Was the only answers he seemed to get when asking people to cover his shift. He was about to give up hope when Moon Jongup walked in. Of course! Why didn't he think of that little sprout in the first place? Jongup loved to work and loved to please people, so he might have a chance there.

"Hey Jongup." Junhong walked over to him with a smile.

"Hey Junhong. I can't talk much, got to get to work soon." Jongup walked over to the employee lockers and opened his up, shoving his phone and jacket into it.

"Ok, I'll be quick. Is there any way you could work for me on Sunday?" Jongup glanced over at the schedule hanging up.

"I already work 8 to close that day."

"Well, I work 12 to 8. I'll switch you shifts." Junhong didn't really want to close, but he'd do anything to make that photo shoot.

"Umm... I don't know." Jongup said, unsure.

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