Air of Beauty

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 Your eyes slowly fluttered opened to see a clear blue sky and felt the warm sun bathing you in light. To your right, you saw trees and lush jungle and to your left, you saw the single piece of wood that remained of your ship after the Fishman raiders destroyed it and killed all of your friends and crewmates. Slowly sitting up you looked down to see your green shirt, brown vest, and blue pants in tatters from the days drifting in the waters. You then noticed that you felt no wind despite being on a shore, and saw that the water was perfectly still.

"Well, at least I'm still in the Calm Belt." You said, remembering your destination when you still had a ship

Slowly standing up, you saw behind the piece of wood were two swords lying in the sand and around one of the pommels a golden shell necklace hung which you quickly grabbed and put around your neck.

"Oh, thank goodness." You said with a sigh of relief, "Well since I have no idea where I am, maybe it'd be good to have these."

"If you value your life, you'll drop the weapons." You heard behind you

Dropping your swords, you slowly turned around with hands raised to see three women with weapons drawn. One was vastly taller than the other two with orange-brown hair wielding a sword and another one was more muscular than her companions. She and the other woman, a short-haired blonde with a less-exaggerated figure than the others, had bows drawn and you noticed that their bows were actually snakes.

"Who are you and how did you come to our island?" The blonde asked

You were about to answer but the exhaustion and starvation that resulted from your time as a castaway caught up with your body and you fell face-first into the sand.

"You're sure?"

"Positive, it's a man."

"The Snake Princess won't be happy about this."

"Do nyot worry about her child. I shall explain the situation."

Slowly opening your eyes again, you found yourself in a bed surrounded by women: the three from before, a shorter, much older woman with white hair and another with black hair and high cheekbones, as well as glasses and darker skin than the others.

"Ah, it would appear that he has woken up." The eldest said as the others took notice, "Marguerite fetch his clothes please."

The blonde nodded and pulled your clothes from the foot of your bed along with your necklace, which had been mended and had a (f/c) flower pattern added to it.

"Here." She said handing you the clothes as you slowly sat up in the bed

"Thank you, Marguerite. The flowers are a nice touch." You said, catching her by surprise for a second before noticing that you were actually in some sort of cell and on the other side of the bars were dozens of other women, all wearing bikinis like Marguerite.

"You are very lucky to be alive young man," the elder continued, "but Belladonna is the best doctor on our island."

"If I may ask, where exactly am I?"

"You are trespassing on Amazon Lily." Said a powerful voice from behind Marguerite

Looking behind you saw three more women enter the cell. One was even more muscular than the one that found you and had long orange hair. Next to her was another woman who was thinner but had a much larger head with green hair and a forked tongue hanging from her mouth. Between the two stood a tall woman who, in comparison to the other two, was very well-proportioned. She looked, for lack of a better word, flawless in appearance but when you looked into her dark blue eyes you saw dissent and hate and the trio exactly matched a description given to you by an old friend in a story he often told after a few drinks.

Air of Beauty (Boa Hancock x Gust-Gust!MaleReader)Where stories live. Discover now