Dean and Rory

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"Mom," I say and pause for a second while staring intensely at her. "I'm pregnant."

She stares at me dumbfounded but then a small smile shows up on her face. She won't be happy with me in a minute.

"Who's is it?" She asks and glances at my stomach.


"What the heck? Rory, he's married. He has kids. Three kids!"

"I know mom... It's not like it was planned. I ran into him at Dosey's and we caught up. Feelings resurfaced. He left, and I couldn't stop my feet as I ran after him."

"But how? I mean I know how, but why?"

"It was all a blur. It just happened. It felt like we were teenagers again."

"Rory.... God! I can barely even look at you!"

"I'm sorry mom. I..."

"No Rory, just save it." Mom stands up and stares at me in disbelief. "I had more faith in your life choices."

"look who's talking..." I whisper under my breath after she walks away.

After sitting on the steps of the Gazebo for long enough to collect myself, I decided to take a walk to Lane's. I walked across town and finally ended up on Lane and Zack's front porch. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door lightly. At this time of night, the kids were asleep and I know Lane would have it out for me if I woke up her little rascals.

Zack answered the door with disheveled hair and a large smile. The smile soon faded as he noticed that I wasn't getting any happier.

"Why the long face Rory?"

"Long story. Can I talk to Lane?" I ask impatiently.

"Yeah. She's in bed. I'll stay here and let you two talk."

He steps aside and I walk down the hall into their room. I don't bother to knock and I barge into the room, shut the door, and flop down right next to Lane.

"What's wrong Rory?" She asks as she puts her glasses on.

I can't get any words out before tears start falling. She hugs me tight and rubs my back.

"Everything will be alright. Do we need to break out the junk food? I bought some cookies for the kids, but they don't know about them yet. They won't miss what they didn't know about."

I pull back and wipe my tears away. I weakly smile at Lane as she stares solemly at me.

"I'll be fine soon. I just... my mom... and pregnant... Dean... Oh god. Dean. Why? What did I do Lane? What did I do?"

"I don't know. I didn't understand any of your mumbo jumbo you just spluttered at me."

"I am... Pregnant. I'm pregnant with Dean's baby. The same Dean who is  married. The same Dean who also already has three kids. Four kids. One on the way. Now my mom.... I told her and she freaked out. I know I messed up, but now I feel even worse. What have I done? I'm a dead woman!" I shout and fall backwards onto the pillows.

"Shhhh. The kids are sleeping."

She doesn't say anything for a few moments. After sitting in silent staring for a few moments, she hops out of bed, flips up a floor board, pulls out a journal and slides back into bed.

"What do you need to hide from Zack?" I ask confused.

"This" she says as she flips open the journal.

The next clean page is so far in the back, I wonder what troubles she has recently been through. She pulls out a pen, draws a line down the center of the page, and scribbles out two words: Pro and Con. She pushes it in front of me and hands me the pen.

"Write" she says simply, and that's exactly what I did.

After five minutes of jotting down the thoughts in my head, I finish the list and cap the pen. I stare at the page in front of me. As you can guess, the con side is longer. All of the things Dean and I exchanged became so clear after writing my thoughts down. He wasn't at fault, it was me. I forced myself on him. I convinced him to kiss me. I made the first move, and the second, and the third and the... you get it. All of my memories started flashing back in my head.

When we first met. When we first kissed. Our first date. Our first fight. Our first time.

These memories started to make my eyes tear up. I could no longer have him. I threw my chance away. He was perfect, but I didn't see that until it was too late. Stupid Jess. He was larger than life and made me ignore the thought of having a life with Dean.

"I want Dean back" I tell Lane.

"He's married Rory. I think it's too late."

"I know. I missed my chance. Plus, he's home by now with his wife and kids. I really messed it up. My baby won't have a father. What do I do?"

"Call him. Tell him you want to visit him and explain it all. You want to apologize in person."

"You're right Lane. You're always right."

"It's the motherly knowledge."

"Yeah, which means my mom is right also. I have to go talk to her tomorrow. I think she needs space. Can I crash on your couch?"

"Of course. You know where the sheets are."

"Yes I do. Thank you for everything Lane. I don't know where I'd be without you."


Author's Note

I hope you all enjoyed it! It's been a long time since I've written, so all feedback is needed. You can Private Message me if you want. Please please let me know what you liked and didn't like about this chapter. Thank you

The next chapter will be the scenario with Jess!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2016 ⏰

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