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-------7 years later--------

Hartley's POV

Everything flashed by so quickly. Rachel's and Zayn's wedding and a baby girl on the way. Keri and Louis having a son named Kendall he's only a year old though. Liam and Kristina having twins. Even Camy and Harry were getting married. Standing next to Camy as her maid of honor made me realize how much I wanted to settle down and have kids of my own. Niall must have sensed it too. Cause the minute that bouquet of tulips landed in my hands. Niall ran up the stairs to the stage and started to sing to me. Granted with the other boys seeing as Louis was the best man and it was Harry's wedding.

One Direction broke up 3 years ago. Niall writes song for me and we will do duets sometimes but my career ended a year ago when I refused to cheat on Niall for publicity. Management my control my career but not me. They offered me another deal yesterday still trying to decide if I want to or not. When Niall grabbed my hand and pulled me out of my thoughts. He got one knee still singing looked into my eyes and ended the song Last First Kiss. He pulled out a ring and said "Can I be yours?" I nodded crying slightly from happiness. Hugging him so tightly I kissed him. I heard Keri shout over all the congratulations "Told you Niall. She said yes!" I ran to her trying not to rip my pencil skirt or fall in my heels. "Thank you, Keri for helping Niall." I hugged tightly. Louis then tapped my shoulder to let her go. "Hey, love didn't you tell her the great news?" I looked at her with my eyebrows raised. "Louis! I was gonna tell her after." I stomped my foot to let her know I'm not leaving until she tells me. "I'm having a baby!" My mouth dropped in surprise then a wide grin spread across my face. I jumped up and down.

----------------------------------------6 mouths later----------------------------------------------------------

I was so nervous. My engagement ring was sitting on the counter I looked at it and started to calm down. It's My wedding day. Lou came rushing in Lux rushing right behind her. I hugged Lou the Lux. "Mum what can I do to help Hartley?" Lux asked Lou. Lux became a very beautiful girl just like her mum. I started to think of my own mum and Garrison. Garrison became a very successful producer and married some girl from France. He couldn't come to the wedding due to his wife was having a baby. My mum died about a year ago. She was in a plane crash. I don't talk about it much.

Lux toke my hand and guided me to a seat and let Lou take control from there. After about 3 hours I heard the music start to play as I was walking down the aisle. Niall smiled at me. I was at the alter before I knew it which freaked me out. I was so focused on Niall that I was startled when Niall said "I do" I was snapped out and waited for my turn to say it to him. After I said them Niall waited for the words "You may now kiss the bride." At that I was leaned back as he kissed me.

I was hugged by all the boys having Liam hug my first seeing as he was the best man. I waited to hug Keri she was 7 months pregnant with a little girl named Kat. I then moved on to hug the boys of 5SOS. They became the biggest boy band after One Direction. Although not as famous. My favorite song by them is beside you. Niall insisted on having them play at the reception. I agreed but on one condition the boys sing with me on my first show when I returned to touring with Niall of course. We are going to do an album. Together.

I looked around but something still left missing in my life. I felt as if my life isn't complete I'm 27 years old. I should feel this way until later in life right? I looked at Kendall and Rachel's and Zayn's daughter playing and that's when it hit me. I wanted a baby. No not just a baby a family. I'm worried about Niall though he can be immature. I looked at Niall, seeing him dancing with Lux made me realize I wanted a child even more. I will wait until after the wedding to tell Niall that I want a family.

3 hours and 45 minutes later the wedding was over and I was ready to tell Niall about wanting a kid. We had just landed in Ireland. For our honeymoon. Niall was talking about how he grew up here and how much he loved to have his children visit here. "So why don't we start trying?" I asked him afraid of rejection. "I think we should start trying! No time like the present." He said making me smile uncontrollably. I kissed him on the cheek. as I went to sit back on my spot he grabbed me and pulled me to him I squeaked and giggled. "I think you can give me a better kiss than that" He whispered in my ear. "Okay" I said he closed his eyes and right before I was about to kiss him. I ran up stairs to the bedroom hiding in the closet. "No fair Hartley I wasn't ready!" He pouted looking under the bed. looking in the bathroom as well. I watched as he pulled out his phone and started to type. I was so confused until I heard Alive ringing through my phone. Oh he's good. I stood up from my spot on under the coats. "That's cheating!" I yelled. I stomped over my way towards the door when Niall's arms wrapped around me and pulled me to the bed. "Well guess you my angel will have to teach me your good ways." He said to me I laughed. "I thought I was your princess." I said to him. "You're both." He winked at me I kissed him on the lips. "Well if we have a girl she will be our princess." I said as I kissed him again. Niall and I are going to live a very happy life. With a successful career and a loving family.


It's the end. Of this book there will be a sequel to this book called 1D's kids .It will start in January.

Picture of Hartley's wedding dress on the side.

last first kiss on the side


19 days till my birthday on the 19th!

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