Last Kiss

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I stood there by the door to the club that Sabrina dragged me to and watched everyone dance and drink. This was not fun. At all. She knows I hate drinking-and losing sleep- and going out to clubs is probably one of the best ways to do that. God, it's already 12:30! I'm soooo tired.

"Taylor!" Sabrina was calling my name over and over- she was drunk. Really drunk.

"I'm never going to get out of here," I said under my breath.


After about half an hour later and me practically falling asleep on the wall, a guy with messy ginger hair came up to me and hugged me. He was actually kinda cute but he was drunk like EVERYONE else. Next thing I knew, he was begging me to dance with him. I kept refusing. After about 10 minutes of asking constantly, he gave up. He did tell me his name, which is Ed, and gave me his number.

I told him my name and told him I would try to text him or something. I walked away and went up to Sabrina who was still dancing like- well, a drunk person-with this random guy.

I pulled her away and dragged her towards the door. She did her best to stop me, but it didn't work. I was ready to get the heck outta there.


I was shopping with Sabrina and after a while we got hungry and went over to Starbucks to get a snack. We sat down and had a long conversation about pointless stuff. All of a sudden, the guy that came up to me at the club, Ed, about a week ago came and sat at our table. He looked at me and said, "You're Taylor, right? How come you never texted me like you said you would?" He laughed.

I said,"You were, like, drunk. How did you remember all that?" "I wasn't THAT drunk," he said,

"Would you like to come with me to dinner tomorrow night at McDonalds?" We all started laughing and he added, "I was just kidding. How about Panera Bread?" I nodded and told him I would definitely make plans. "His accent is so cute," I thought to myself, "Wait, what am I saying? I just MET him." I wonder how tomorrow's gonna turn out.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~AUTHOR'S NOTE~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hey guys! So this is my first fan fiction and I'm really excited!! So I know it's short but I'll try to update once or twice a week depending on my schedule! Sorry if I messed up anywhere I didn't really make any corrections or whatever. But I'll update soon bye!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2014 ⏰

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