Chapter 15

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"It's ok....I'll pack," I smile at the nurse who hands me my jacket. I half heartedly give her a little smile back. Watching dads girlfriend glare at me, hands in her leather jacket, chewing impatiently on her gum. Not even bothering to help if course.
" I bet your mums glad to have to you back! Aren't you Mrs Lee?" I choke from her words. I hear her scoff silently making the nurse frown a little.
I place my bag over my head and watch dads slut come near me,
"I'm so happy to have her back, I'll make sure she gets....special treatment, right? Honey?" She says with no love at all. No way is she my mum she will never be able to take that role.
I clench my jaw but hold it back.
"Mm glad to finally go, thanks for everything nurse Hilly," she hugs me tightly,
"No problem sweetheart, make sure you let your forehead cut heal before taking the bandage off and the plaster on your cheek will be fine but give it time, I'll need your signature here Mrs Lee," she hands her a form, dads girlfriend rolls her eyes in annoyance and rips the form out her hand and signs it.
Nurse James scans through it after she's done,
"My apologies, I thought you were Ella's mom, Miss....Serena Banks? It was nice meeting you," as she is about to shake her hand, Serena smiles and walks out,
"Hurry it up, we need to get home," she says before leaving.
I look back at my nurse and she sighs.
"Don't forget your medicine bag honey, she winks and nods before going," I pick up my bag from my pillow and feel something, paper almost crumple underneath. I lift the cover and see a crinkled envelope saying my name on there. I open it and see a check, my check, the one Henna gave me after my first shift at the bar, the one I threw at...Jason?
There was a little yellow post it note attached at the back with one word on there:
I look at the door, thinking he'll walk in there and then. I place it in my pocket and put the check in my bag. He was here then.

Im escorted by the nurse outside. Dads by his car smoking and Serena looks as impatient and desperate then ever.
He notices, rubs his cigarette out with his foot and pulls me towards the car,
"Hurry the fuck, when we get home your dead," I gulp and watch Serena roll her window down and smirk.
"Hurry it up baby, we got clubbing to do," he pushes me into the car and jumps into his seat. I dig my nails into my palm, with fear, scared of whatever may come for me.

-Time skip-

He kicked me again, the pain stinging again and feeling fresh.
I put my hand out,
"Dad...p-please....s-stop I-I-it.....hurts," I cry and hiccup. Serena pulls my hair and slaps me on my cheek, on my cuts.
"Don't answer back you whore!"
Then throws me back down. I cry hysterically.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!!" And I shut up trying to hold in the pain.
"YOU COULD HAVE GOTTEN RUN OVER AND DIED!! WHY DIDN'T YOU DIE?!!" I'm breathing heavily on the floor, surrounded by blood, overwhelming pain overtakes me, swollen eyes start to shut me down. Serena keeps her heel on my back to push me down.
After a few minutes,
"Stay there you bitch and go hungry," he spits at me, then....
The door closes and I know after a minute they left. I don't get up, I can't get up, I struggle and pant.
"....h-help....." I cry, wanting someone to hear me. Tears blur my vision, a darkness takes over, and then unconsciousness closes the scene.

- Next day after school -

Jason PoV
"Hey Jason!" I look up, still trying to close my backpack.
It was Jackson, he pants and then let's out a laugh making me look confusingly at him,
"What the fuck do you want Jack?" I say impatiently leaning up against my car door.
"Is it true? Ella got ran over?" He smirks,
"Looks like she got rid of herself, dude that su-" before I know it I'm grabbing him by his collar and lifting him up, choking him.
"Funny is it Jack? Getting run over?" I snarl,
His eyes widen,
"No man, I feel bad for her you know,"

I scoff at his begging,
"How about I show you how it feels?" I grin,
He shakes,
"Come on man we're mates, but listen yeah, the whole class was on about it, Katrina was like she's glad and all that shit, but not me! Yeah I was all 'come on guys leave Ella alone she-" I shut him up by throwing him back on the floor,
"Stop talking shit, Jack," I run my hand through my hair as I remember it was me who got her run over.

"Oh and Jason?" He gets up and dusts himself off, I don't look at him but grumble,
"Mrs Harper wanted someone to get this work to Ella, I took it thinking you'd go, seeing as you dropped her off and...yeah," this could be an excuse to see her,
"Thanks," I mutter and take the stapled booklet out his hand.
"See yah, and by the way we're going to the bar later on," he walks off,
"...Mm yeah....whatever," I look at the Booklet:
'Romeo and Juliet: Level 3 Analysation Practice Guide---Ella.G.Lee'

I knew where her house was or where she lived. The dodgy neighbourhood,
'Taper Way 5th lane'
It was the weird looking apartments. I took the paper and went in.
"Where the fuck does she live?" I couldn't knock on every door.
I decided to ask this elder women coming out. She was struggling to get her green plaid trolley bag through the door, so I helped her.
"Thanks sugar," she gave me a shaky warm smile.
"Your welcome, can I ask if you know where... Ella lives?..." She lit up at Ella's name.
She took hold of my hand for support,
"That sweet baby girl, helps me all the time, she does, got into an accident poor child, but she came back yesterday!" She squealed in excitement, and I exchanged a smile, she stopped,
"Are you her boyfriend?" She grinned,
I stuttered
"N-no well I-" she laughed,
"It's a shame, the sweetest girl for the kindest boy too, she lives at number 72, next door to me, honey," I nod and thank her.
"One more thing, if you are a close friend, ask if she is alright, the past couple a days I been hearing shouting coming down from behind them doors, plus,"
She looks around to see if anyone was there, (Mrs Hilly has a strong American accent)
"Her daddy gone and got himself a new sugar, tight dressed and all, has the worst sort of smile and attitude, so.....anyway, but just see if my baby girl is alright now, honey pie, I'll leave ya to it," she nods and leaves.

Shouting? I look for a room 72 was it? Take a deep breath before knocking,
"Say sorry Jason that's it and give we the damn paper and leave," I prep talk to myself. On my second knock on the wooden door, it creaks open.
I frown and start to get a bad feeling.
I hesitate but go inside.
"Ella?" I notice the bad living condition of her house, should I even call it a home? Bike rises in my throat. My hand gets clammy.
"Ella?" I whisper. I see her on the floor, her hair is spread wildly across the carpet and her badge is half askew. The dried blood on the floor is evident, it makes anger boil inside my stomach.
I throw the paper and pick her up, gently on my knee. Moving her hair from her face.
"I'm not losing you a second time," I whisper. She opens her eyes.
"Jason?" The amount of cuts she has and bandages makes me feel so bad for her.
"Who done this?" I angrily say.
She flutters her eyes and opens them again.
"I can't Jason," tears fall from her eyes.

Not edited my lovelies I'm very truly sorry!

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